VOL - 1
- Preface
- First: About the author of Al-Ghadeer
- Lineage
- Birth
- Education
- Commission in Najaf Ashraf
- Return to Tabriz
- To Najaf Ashraf again
- Permission for jurisprudence (Ijtehaad)
- Scholarly pursuits
- Incident
- Another story
- The Allamah adds:
- Personal qualities and noble manners
- Travels and travails
- Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) Library
- Writings, compilation and research of the Allamah
- Children
- Death and Burial
- Second Discussion – A Glance at the magnum opus, Al-Ghadeer
- Discussions
- Excellence of Ahle Bayt (a.s.)
- Excellence of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)
- Excellence and merits of Lady Fatima (s.a.)
- Indictments of the enemies and opponents of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) and usurpers of their rights
- An account of fabrication of traditions and false propaganda
- Fabricating the excellence of ordinary persons
- Exaggerating the excellence of Abu Bakr
- Exaggerating the excellence of Umar
- Exaggerating the excellence of Uthman
- Exaggerations regarding Muawiyah
- Third – Selections from Al-Ghadeer
- Tasks completed in Selections from Al-Ghadeer and the present translation
- First: About the author of Al-Ghadeer
- Event of Ghadeer
- Special attention to the tradition of Ghadeer
- Narrators of the tradition of Ghadeer from the companions of Prophet
- Classes of narrators from the scholars
- Writers about the tradition of Ghadeer
- Swearing by and reasoning through the tradition of Ghadeer
- 1. Challenge of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) on the day of Shura in the year 23 A.H. or beginning of 24 A.H
- 2. Challenge of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) during the reign of Uthman bin Affan
- 3. Challenge of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) on the day of Rahba during 35 A.H.
- 4. Challenge of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) and his argument against Talha on the day of the Battle of Jamal in the year 36 A.H.
- 5. Tradition of fame
- 6. Challenge of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) on the day of the Battle of Siffeen in 37 A.H.
- 7. Protest of the respected daughter of the Messenger ofAllah (s.a.w.a.), Lady Fatima Zahra (s.a.)
- 8. Protest of Imam Abu Muhammad Hasan (a.s.), grandson of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) in 41 A.H.
- 9. Challenge of Imam Husain (a.s.), grandson of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) through the tradition of Ghadeer in 58-59 A.H.
- 10. Reasoning of Amr Aas with Muawiyah through the tradition of Ghadeer
- 11. Reasoning of Ammaar Yasir with Amr Aas in the Battle of Siffeen
- Verse of announcement
- 2. Perfection of religion through Mastership (Wilayat)
- 3. Descent of divine chastisement
- A glance at the tradition
- Eid Ghadeer in Islam
- Statements of reliable Ahle Sunnat Hafiz scholars and intellectuals regarding the tradition of Ghadeer
- Judgment regarding the authorities of tradition
- A survey of Ibne Hazm Andulasi’s viewpoint (d. 456 A.H.)
- Meaning of the tradition of Ghadeer
- Evidence of this tradition on the Imamate of our master, Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)
- Master (Maula) in the meaning of foremost (Awla)
- Second category
- Raazi’s statement regarding the meaning of tradition
- Raazi’s objection in the view of scholars
- Another statement of Raazi .
- Raazi’s reply to the above statements
- Tohfa Ithna Asharia
- Discussion regarding meaning of Maula
- As for the first meaning
- As for the meanings of 2 and 3 till 14 .
- Follower and helper
- As for the second possibility
- Meaning implied in the tradition
- In the same way is the meaning of guardian of affair
- Contexts of Maula
- Traditions which mention the meaning of Master (Maula) and Mastership (Wilayat)
- Clear explanation regarding the meaning of the tradition
- Worship acts on Ghadeer Day
- Poetry and poets
- Poetry and poets in Quran and Sunnah
- Announcers of couplets
- Association of poets
- Poetry and poets in the view of Imams (a.s.)
- Poetry and poets in the view of elders of faith
- Poets of Ghadeer in the first century Hijri
- 1. Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)
- 2. Hassan bin Thabit
- Explanation of the couplets
- Senior tradition scholars (Huffaz), who narrated them
- Collected Works (Diwan) of Hassan
- Couplets expunged from Hassan’s collection
- Other compositions of Hassan regarding Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)
- First line
- Second line
- Third line
- Another poem of Hassan regarding Ameerul Momineen Ali (a.s.)
- Another verse of Hassan
- Introduction to the poet
- 3. Qays Ansari
- 4. Amr bin Aas
- Amr Aas’ conversion
- 1. Statement of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
- 2. Statement of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)
- 3. Letter of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) to Amr Aas
- Point
- 4. Qunut of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) cursing Amr
- 5. Ayesha condemns Amr
- 6. Conversation between Muawiyah and Amr Aas
- ‘Valor’ of Amr Aas
- Lesson in religion and morals
- Explanation
- Death of Amr Aas
- Point
- 5. Muhammad Himyari
- Poets of Ghadeer in the second century Hijri
- 6. Abu Mustahal Kumayt
- Explanation regarding the verses
- Qasida of Ainiyya from Hashimiyat
- Hashemiyat
- Qasida Maimiya from Qasida Hashemiya
- Qasida Baiyya from the Hashimiya Qasidas
- Qasida Lamiya from the Qasida Hashimiya
- Introduction to the poet
- Kumayt and his religious life
- Kumayt and the supplications of the Imams in his favor
- Birth and martyrdom
- 7. Sayyid Himyari
- Introduction to the poet
- His parents and his story in their words
- His greatness and statements regarding him
- His works praised
- His extensive compositions regarding Ahle Bayt (a.s.)
- His religious beliefs and statements of scholars regarding him
- Statement of Saduq
- Statement of Marzabani
- Caliphs during his period
- Birth and demise
- Expertise in knowledge and history
- Tradition of the beginning of the call in history and literature
- Wording of the tradition
- Statement of Iskafi regarding the tradition in his book of Al-Naqdh alal Uthmaniya
- Iskafi’s reply
- Felonies upon tradition
- 8. Abdi Kuf
- Introduction to the poet
- His genius in literature and traditions
- Birth and death
- Examples of his poetry
- Explanation of traditions alluded to in these verses and prominent Ahle Sunnat scholars, who have narrated them
- Some other verses of Abdi
- Explanations of traditions alluded to in these lines
- Word of the poet: ‘most truthful lady’
- Word of the poet: ‘most truthful man’
- Some verses of Abdi
- Explanation of couplets
- Abdi’s panegyric in praise of Ali (a.s.)
- Other verses of Abdi
- Abdi’s verses in praise of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)
- Another verse of Abdi in praise of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)
- Some verses of Abdi
- Among his verses is:
- Other verses of Abdi
- Abdi, contemporary of Abdi
- 6. Abu Mustahal Kumayt
- Poets of Ghadeer in the third century Hijri
- 9. Abu Tammam Tai
- 10. Dibil Khuzai
- Explanation regarding the verses from the statements of important Ahle Sunnat scholars
- Statements of prominent Shia personalities
- Introduction to the poet
- Family of Razin
- Abdul Hasan Ali, brother of Dibil
- Dibil Khuzai
- His biography is discussed from four aspects:
- As for the first aspect
- His literary expertise
- Traditions narrated by him
- His conduct with Caliphs and ministers
- Birth and death
- 11. Abu Ismail Alawi
- 12. Wamiq Nasrani
- 13. Ibne Rumi
- 14. Himmani Afwa
- A survey of spurious books and writings
- 1. Iqdul Fareed2
- Some of his statements and their criticism
- 1. Statement One
- Reply to Statement One
- 2. Statement Two
- Reply to Statement Two
- 3. Statement Three
- Reply to Statement Three
- 4. Statement Four
- Reply to Statement Four
- 5. Statement Five
- Reply to Statement Five
- 6. Statement Six
- Reply to Statement Six
- 7. Statement Seven
- Reply to Statement Seven
- 8. Statement Eight
- Reply to Statement Eight
- 9. Statement Nine
- Reply to Statement Nine
- Funny statement
- 2. Kitabul Intisar
- 3. Al-Farq bainal Firaq5
- 4. Al-Fisal fil Milal wan Nihal
- 1. First objection
- Reply to the first objection
- 2. Second objection
- Reply to the second objection
- 3. Third objection
- Reply to the third objection
- 4. Fourth objection
- Reply to the fourth objection
- 5. Fifth objection
- Reply to the fifth objection
- 6. Sixth objection
- Reply to the sixth objection
- Text of the tradition
- 7. Seventh objection
- Reply to the seventh objection
- 8. Eighth objection
- Reply to the eighth objection
- Text of the tradition
- 5. Al-Milal wan Nihal
- 6. Minhajus Sunnah
- 1. First objection
- Reply to the first objection
- 2. Second objection
- 3. Third objection
- 4. Fourth objection
- 5. Fifth objection
- 6. Sixth objection
- 7. Seventh objection
- Replies to second till seventh objection
- 8. Eighth objection
- Reply to the eighth objection
- 9. Ninth objection
- Reply to the ninth objection
- Denial of qualities
- Creatibility of Quran
- Denial of seeing God
- 10. Tenth objection
- Reply to the tenth objection
- According respect to tombs
- As for abusing above-mentioned persons
- Shaykh Mufeed’s book
- 11. Eleventh objection
- Reply to the eleventh objection
- Text of the tradition
- Flimsy objections
- 12. Twelfth objection
- Reply to the twelfth objection
- 13. Thirteenth objection
- 14. Fourteenth objection
- Reply to the fourteenth objection
- 15. Fifteenth objection
- Reply to the fifteenth objection
- 16. Sixteenth objection
- Reply to these statements
- As for the verse being Meccan
- Context of revelation and obligation of loving Ahle Bayt (a.s.)
- Ali’s marriage to Fatima and requirement of its precedenceover the verse
- 17. Seventeenth objection
- Reply to the seventeenth objection
- 18. Eighteenth objection
- Reply to the eighteenth objection
- 19. Nineteenth objection
- 20. Twentieth objection
- Reply to the twentieth objection
- 21. Twenty-first objection
- Reply to the twenty-first objection
- Source of the report
- Another form of this traditional report
- 22. Twenty-second objection
- Reply to the twenty-second objection
- 23. Twenty-third objection
- Reply to the twenty-third objection
- First
- Second
- Third
- Another part of tradition that Ibne Taymiyyah falsified
- Reply
- Regarding authentic the report of Abu Bakr’s friendship and opening of a window from his room into the Masjid
- 7. Al-Bedaya wa al-Nehaya
- 1. False statement one
- Reply to false statement one
- 2. False statement two
- Reply to false statement two
- 3. False statement three
- Reply to false statement three
- 4. False statement four
- Reply to false statement four
- Clear statements of Prophet
- Statements of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)
- Statement of Imam Hasan (a.s.)
- Viewpoint of companions and companions of companions regarding thefirst Muslim
- 8. Mahazirat Tarikh Umamul Islamiyah
- 9. As-Sunnah wash Shia
- 10. As-Sara Bainal Islam wal Wathniya
- 1. First objection
- Reply to first objection
- 2. Second objection
- Reply to second objection
- 3. Third objection
- Reply to third objection
- 4. Fourth objection
- Reply to fourth objection
- 5. Fifth objection
- Reply to fifth objection
- 6. Sixth objection
- Reply to sixth objection
- 7. Seventh objection
- Reply to seventh objection
- 11. Al-Washiya fee Naqde Aqaidush Shia
- 1. First objection
- Reply to first objection
- 2. Second objection
- Reply to second objection
- 1. Fixed-time marriage (Mutah) in Quran
- 2. Rules of Fixed-time marriage (Mutah) in Islam
- 3. Who was the first to prohibit Fixed-time marriage (Mutah)?
- 4. Companions and companions of companions
- Fifth discussion: regarding Fixed-time marriage (Mutah)
- Other fabricated books:12
- Poets of Ghadeer in the fourth century Hijri
- 15. Ibne Tabataba Isfahani
- 16. Ibne Alawiya
- 17. Mufajja
- 18. Abul Qasim Sanobari
- 19. Qaazi Tanukhi
- 20. Abul Qasim Zahi
- Introduction to the poet
- Among them being the following verses in praise of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.):
- Statement of the poet: “He was the one who conversed with the sun”
- Statement of the poet: “and one for whom the sun rose up again after it had set in Babel”
- Statement of the poet: “he caused a spring of fresh water to flow”
- Statement of the poet: “hearing ear”
- Some other verses of Zahi in praise of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)
- 21. Amir Abu Faras Hamadani
- 22. Abul Fath Kashjam
- 23. Nashi Saghir
- 24. Bishnoi Kurdi
- 25. Sahib bin Ubbad
- 26. Jauhari Jurjani
- 27. Ibne Hajjaj Baghdadi
- 28. Abul Abbas Zabbi
- 29. Abu Raqamaq Antaki4
- 30. Abul Aala Sarawi
- 31. Abu Muhammad Auni
- 32. Ibne Hammad Abdi
- 32. Ibne Hammad Abdi
- 33. Abul Faraj Razi
- 34. Ja’far bin Husain
- Poets of Ghadeer in the fifth century Hijri
- Poets of Ghadeer in the sixthcentury Hijri
- 44. Abul Hasan Fanjkardi
- 45. Ibne Munir Tarabulusi
- 46. Qaazi Ibne Qadoos
- 47. Malik Salih
- 48. Ibne Awdi Neeli
- 49. Qaazi Jalees
- 50. Ibne Makki Neeli
- 51. Khatib Khwarizmi
- 52. Faqih Ummara
- 53. Sayyid Muhammad Aqsasi
- As long as you are alive, you will continue to see amazing things!
- 1. Tradition of returning of the sun
- 2. A thousand units of prayer
- 3. Muhaddath in Islam
- 4. Knowledge of the unseen of the Shia Imams
- 5. Transferring the last remains to holy tombs
- 6. Visitation (Ziyarat) of tombs of the Holy Progeny, supplication at graves, seeking mediation/blessings
- Statements of scholars of four schools regarding Ziyarat ofProphet (s.a.w.a.)
- Etiquette of Visitor according to Ahle Sunnat
- Ziyarat of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
- Etiquette of Visitor according to Ahle Sunnat
- Supplication at the head of Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
- Invoking blessings (Salawat) on the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
- Seeking mediation through the holy tomb of His Eminence
- Seeking blessings from the holy grave by touching and kissing it
- Ziyarat of Imams of Baqi and other places of visitation
- Ziyarat of the martyrs of Uhad
- Encouragement for visiting tombs
- Etiquette for visitors of graves
- Statement regarding Ziyarat
- Statements of Ahle Sunnat scholars regarding visitation of graves
- 7. A close look at the tradition
- Series of liars and fabricators of traditional reports
- List of fabricated traditions
- Difficulty of reliable and reliability
- False traditions attributed to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
- Traditions fabricated regarding Caliphate
- Dirty falsehood
- Poets of Ghadeer in the seventh century Hijri
- Poets of Ghadeer in the eighth century Hijri
- The longer you live, the times show more wonders to you
- Masterpieces of Umar’s knowledge
- 1. View point of Caliph regarding one, who has no water for ablution
- 2. The Caliph was ignorant about rules of doubts in prayer
- 3. The Caliph’s ignorance about Quran
- 4. Everyone is more knowledgeable than Umar!
- 5. Umar did not know the meaning of ‘Abb’
- 6. Caliph’s order regarding the insane female, who committed fornication
- 8. Everyone is more knowledgeable than Umar
- 9. The Caliph’s ignorance of tenors and metaphors
- 10. Opinion of Caliph regarding recitation in prayer
- 11. The Caliph’s opinion about inheritance
- 12. Ignorance of Caliph about divorce of slave girl
- 13. If Ali hadn’t been there, Umar would have perished
- 14. The Caliph’s ignorance about the Sunnah
- 15. Deduction of Caliph regarding the grandfather
- 16. The Caliph and the female singer
- 17. Condemning the rape victim
- 18. The Caliph doesn’t know what he is saying
- 19. Incidents of the Caliph patrolling in the nights and spying on people
- 20. The Caliph’s view on liquor
- 21. The Caliph and a falsely accused woman
- 22. Caliph and the rule of Kalalah
- 23. The Caliphs viewpoint about retaliation
- 24. The Caliph’s opinion regarding the slain from the People of Book
- 25. The Caliph’s verdict regarding human fingers
- 25. The Caliph’s verdict regarding human fingers
- 26. The Caliph’s view regarding the thief
- 27. All, even elderly ladies are more knowledgeable than Umar
- 28. Viewpoint of Caliph regarding the tree of Rizwan
- 29. Caliph’s view regarding the relics of the prophets
- 30. The Caliph beat up people without any reason
- 31. The Caliph prohibited weeping for the dead
- 32. Sacrifice and deduction of the Caliph
- 33. Viewpoint of Caliph regarding puberty
- 34. Reducing the penalty
- 35. “O Abul Hasan, may God not put me in a difficulty, where you are not there to solve it.”
- 36. Viewpoint of the caliph about three divorces
- 37. The caliph’s view about non-Arabs
- 38. Taking permission from Ayesha
- 39. The Caliph’s sermon at Jabiya
- 40. The Caliph and learning of Surah Baqarah
- Viewpoint of Caliph regarding Hajje Tamatto and Fixed time marriage
- 41. Hajje Tamatto
- 42. Fixed time marriage
- Two Mutahs: Mutah of Hajj and Mutah of women
- Hajje Tamatto
- Fixed-time marriage
- Mutah (Fixed time marriage in Quran)
- Now, stay with me
- Salient features of Fixed time marriage in Islam
- Read; and laugh or cry
- 43. Independent judgment (Ijtehaad) of the Caliph regarding liquor and its verse
- 44. Caliph was the founder of preference (Awl) in inheritance
- 45. The Caliph’s viewpoint regarding Baitul Maqdas
- 46. The Caliph’s viewpoint regarding Zoroastrians (Majus)
- 47. The Caliph’s viewpoint about fast of Rajab
- 48. Independent judgment (Ijtehaad) of the Caliph regarding difficult questions on Quran
- 49. Viewpoint of the Caliph regarding query about future
- 50. Prohibition of the Caliph regarding traditions
- 51. Writing of the Sunnah
- 52. Caliph’s viewpoint regarding books
- 53. Ijtehaad of Caliph regarding names and agnomens
- 53. Ijtehaad of Caliph regarding names and agnomens
- 54. The Caliph didn’t know which Surahs were recited on Eid days
- 55. The Caliph and the meanings of terms
- 55. The Caliph and the meanings of terms
- Return to the poetry of Shamsuddin Maliki
- Nobility regarding the tradition
- 71. Alauddin Hilli
- Poets of Ghadeer in the ninth century Hijri
- Exaggerating excellence
VOL - 2
- Exaggerations regarding Abu Bakr
- Discussion regarding this sermon
- 1. Merits of Abu Bakr in traditional reports
- 2. ‘Capability and spirituality’ of Abu Bakr
- The Caliph during the period of his being a Muslim
- Kalala
- Precedence of the Caliph in Sunnah and narration of reports
- Efforts of researchers
- 1. Viewpoint of Caliph regarding inheritance of grandmother
- 2. Viewpoint of the Caliph regarding inheritance of two grandmothers
- 3. Caliph’s viewpoint regarding cutting hands of the thief
- 4. Caliph’s viewpoint about the inferior being the guardian
- Conclusion
- Caliphate according to Ahle Sunnat
- How is imamate established?
- A glance at the Caliphate of Ahle Sunnat
- 5. Caliph’s viewpoint regarding destiny and free will
- 6. Caliph’s viewpoint in the incident of Malik
- A glance at this incident
- Drama of exaggeration
- Manifestation of Caliph’s knowledge
- Another expression of Caliph’s knowledge
- Third expression of the Caliph’s knowledge
- Reliance on falsehoods
- 3. Valor of the Caliph
- The drowning one clutches at the straw!
- 4. Caliph’s initiative in worship
- 5. Precedence of Caliph in morals
- Caliph’s apology to Lady Fatima Zahra (s.a.)
- A glance at the sorrowful statement
- Exaggerated traditions or fabricated stories
- Seeking mediation from the beard of Abu Bakr
- Ahle Sunnat traditions regarding Abu Bakr’s beard
- 2. ‘Miracle’ of Abu Bakr’s burial
- 3. Abu Bakr was a famous old man and the Prophet, an unrecognized youth
- 4. Abu Bakr was elder to the Prophet!
- 5. Abu Bakr’s Islam preceded that of Ali’s!
- 6. Abu Bakr was the most aged of the companions!
- 7. A dog from the Jinn tribe is appointed
- 8. Abu Bakr’s position with Almighty Allah
- 9. Five facsimiles from the progeny of Adam
- 10. Abu Bakr is best of the folks of the heavens and earth!
- 11. Abu Bakr evaluated
- 12. Father of none of the Muhajireen embraced Islam, except Abu Bakr’s
- Islam of Abu Bakr’s parents
- 13. Abu Bakr and his parents in Quran
- Another verse regarding Abu Bakr and his father
- Aim behind creating these falsehoods
- 1. Statements of Abu Talib, peace be on him
- 2. Abu Talib’s good deeds and thankful words
- 1. Abu Talib prayed to Allah for rain through the Prophet
- 2. Abu Talib (a.s.) and the beginning of Prophet’s mission
- 3. Statement of Abu Talib to Ali (a.s.): “Obey your cousin.”
- 4. Statement of Abu Talib (a.s.): Complete the wings of your cousin
- 5. Abu Talib’s bequest to his brothers
- 6. Tradition from Abu Talib (a.s.)
- 3. What Ahle Sunnat narrate from family and relatives of Abu Talib, regarding his faith
- 4. Things attributed to him by those, who confess to his rights
- Abu Talib (a.s.) in the Holy Quran
- Tradition of the pit of fire (Zahzah)
- 14. Prophet’s sermon in praise of Abu Bakr
- 15. Praise of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) for the Caliph
- 16.
- 17.
- 18.
- 19.
- 20.
- 21.
- 22.
- 23.
- 24. Verses revealed about Abu Bakr
- Exaggerating Umar’s excellence
- 1. Statements about Umar’s knowledge
- 2. Umar was most learned about Quran and most judicious of people
- 3. Shaitan is terrified of Umar and he flees from him
- Music and musical instruments in traditional reports
- Music according to four schools of jurisprudence
- Umar’s viewpoint regarding music
- 4. Four main qualities of Umar
- 5. Applying the title of ‘chief of believers’ to Umar
- 6. Paper in Umar’s shroud
- Exaggeration in excellence of Uthman Uthman, son of Affan, son of Abil Aas, son of Umayyah, the Umayyad Caliph
- 1. His judgment regarding one, who delivered after six months of pregnancy
- 2. Uthman recited prayers in full during journeys
- 3. The Caliphate trespassed limits
- 4. Caliph’s opinion regarding Hajje Tamatto
- 5. Caliph’s opinion regarding sexual pollution
- 6. Caliph’s viewpoint regarding Zakat on horses
- 7. Uthman recited the sermon before prayers on Eidul Fitr and Eid-e-Qurban
- 8. Caliph’s viewpoint regarding recitation of Quran
- 9. Caliph’s viewpoint regarding prayer of traveler
- 10. The Caliph inquires legal issues from Ubayy bin Kaab
- 11. The Caliph made reservations for himself and his relatives
- 12. The Caliph reserved Fadak for Marwan
- 13. Caliph’s viewpoint regarding taxes
- 14. Caliph’s largesse on Hakam bin Abil Aas
- 15. Caliph’s generosity to Marwan
- 16. The Caliph made gifts to Harith
- 17. Saeed’s share from bestowals of Caliph
- 18. The Caliph gave Muslims’ funds to Walid
- 20. Exceeding wealth gathered by the Caliph
- List of personal wealth of the Caliph and his gifts to others
- 21. The Caliph and the Accursed Tree in Quran
- 22. Banishing Abu Zar to Rabdha
- Statement of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) when Abu Zar was exiled to Rabdha
- Come with me, so that we may see through the glasses of research
- This is Abu Zar
- Crime of history
- Abu Zar’s viewpoint regarding wealth
- Abu Zar and socialism
- A glance at statements in praise of Abu Zar Whether they are compatible with what he is accused of?
- 23. The Caliph expelled Ibne Masud from the Masjid forcibly
- 24. The Caliph’s treatment of Ammar
- 25. The Caliph banished some righteous persons of Kufa to Shaam
- 26. The Caliph banishes Ameerul Momineen Ali (a.s.)
- 27. Verses revealed about the Caliph
- 28. Caliph omitted Takbeer while sitting down and getting up in prayers
- 1. Tradition of Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)
- 2. Tradition of Ayesha, daughter of Abu Bakr
- 3. Tradition of Abdur Rahman bin Auf
- 4. Tradition of Talha and Zubair
- 5. Tradition of Abdullah bin Masud
- 6. Tradition of Ammar bin Yasir
- 7. Tradition of Miqdad bin Aswad Kindi
- 8. Tradition of Hujr bin Adi Kufi
- 9. Tradition of Ibne Abbas
- 10. Tradition of Amr bin Aas4
- 11. Tradition of Malik bin Harith Ashtar
- 12. Tradition of Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan the Umayyad
- 14. Letter of the people of Medina to Uthman
- 15. The first account of siege against Uthman
- Account of the second siege
- A glance at the tradition of two sieges
- The day of attack on the house of Uthman
- Tradition of Uthman’s Assassination
- Uthman’s Funeral
- Spurious traditions about attack on Uthman’s house and showing the Caliph as innocent
- Blatant exaggerations about Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman
- As for the claim that Umar was very strict in religion
- As for the claim of Uthman’s modesty
- As for the remaining three persons
- Continuation of discussion regarding the three caliphs
- What a selection! And how did it came about? And why? And through what?
- Sometimes Ibne Umar pays allegiance and sometimes delays and avoids it
- Incident of Shura
- What consensus was established on allegiance to Yazid?
- First group: Some examples of his reports about the first type
- Second kinds of reports from Ibne Umar
- Narrators in the chain of reporters
- As for the chain of narrators
- Scrutiny of the text
- Conclusion
- Exaggerating the excellence of Muawiyah Ibne Abu Sufyan
- Muawiyah in the scale of justice
- 1. Muawiyah and drinking wine
- 2. Muawiyah and Usury
- 3. Muawiyah recited complete Prayer during journey
- 4. Heresy of Adhan in the Eid Prayers
- 5. Friday Prayer on a Wednesday
- 6. Heresy of marrying two sisters at one and the same time
- 7. Muawiyah’s heresy with regard to blood money
- 8. Omitting Takbeers in recommended Prayers
- 9. Not reciting the Talbiya due to opposition to Ali (a.s.)
- 10. Heresy of reciting the sermon before Eid Prayers
- 11. Abandoning divine penalties
- 12. Muawiyah and unlawful garments
- 13. Declaring Ziyad as son of Abu Sufyan in 44 A.H
- 14. Taking allegiance for Yazid: one of the four major crimes of Muawiyah
- Allegiance of Yazid in Shaam and assassination of Imam Hasan (a.s.) for this purpose
- Abdur Rahman bin Khalid in the allegiance of Yazid
- Saeed bin Uthman in the year 55 A.H
- Muawiyah’s letters for Yazid’s allegiance
- Another aspect
- Muawiyah’s letter to Saeed bin Aas
- Muawiyah’s letter to Imam Husain (a.s.)
- Reply of Imam Husain (a.s.)
- Allegiance of Yazid in Medina
- First journey
- Another form of discussion in the first journey
- Second journey of Muawiyah and allegiance for Yazid during this trip
- 15. Muawiyah’s crimes in history
- 16. Muawiyah’s battle against Imam Ameerul Momineen Ali (a.s.)
- 17. Shameless acts and crimes of Muawiyah
- 18. Invalid accusations of Muawiyah
- 19. Baseless justifications of Ibne Hajar regarding Muawiyah
- Delegation of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) to Muawiyah
- First delegation
- Second delegation
- Letters revealing Muawiyah’s real aim
- Muawiyah’s view has precedence
- “What was the matter of arbitration for?”“What was the matter of arbitration for?”
- Invalid reasonings
- Amazing consequences of Ijtihad in the past centuries
- What is Ijtihad?
- Definition of Ijtihad.
- Ijtihad in the terminology of scholars of principles of jurisprudence
- First condition
- Second condition
- In what instances Ijtihad can be applied
- A glance at Muawiyah’s Ijtihad
- Sunnah
- A glance at Muawiyah’s traditions
- Reminder
- A subtle point
- Consensus
- Analogy
- What Ijtihad is that?
- Who is this Mujtahid?
- First report
- Second repor
- Third report
- Muawiyah’s conduct towards grandson of Prophet, Abu Muhammad Imam Hasan (a.s.)
- Muawiyah and the Shia of Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)
- Muawiyah’s conduct with Hujr bin Adi and his companions
- Obscene exaggeration
- 1. Wine is transformed into honey through the supplication of Khalid
- 2. Fire did not burn Abu Muslim
- 3. Tigris was split by the supplication Abu Muslim
- 4. Rosary of Abu Muslim recited praises of God
- 5. The deer fell into the trap through the supplication of Abu Muslim
- 6. Rabi speaks after his death
- 7. The army passed over water surface through supplication of Saad
- 8. Saad’s supplication delays his death
- 9. Umar bin Abdul Aziz in Torah
- 10. Amnesty for Umar bin Abdul Aziz
- 11. A woman gave birth to a four year old child through the supplication of Malik
- 12. A Nasibi has his supplication fulfilled
- 13. Man in the sky
- 14. Severed head of Ahmad Khuzai speaks us
- 15. The Prophet boasts over Abu Hanifah
- 16. Writing from God for Ahmad, leader of Hanbalis
- 17. Ahmad’s pen fructifies the date palm
- 18. Ahmad’s waist band
- 19. Fire, floods and the miracle act of Ahmad
- 20. Almighty Allah comes for the Ziyarat of Ahmad every year .
- 21. Ahmad and the interrogating angels: Munkir and Nakeer
- 22. Imam Malik sees the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in dream every night
- 23. Shaving the beard for the sake of God
- 24. God speaks to Abu Hamid Ghazzali
- 25. Ihyaul Uloom of Ghazzali
- 26. Abdul Qadir has forty nocturnal discharges on a single night
- 27. The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) mounted on the shoulders of Abdul Qadir
- 28. Death of Shaykh Abdul Qadir
- 29. The sun delays setting for Ismail Hadhrami
- 30. Dallawi breastfeeds the infant
- 31. The Shaykh eats a whole cow
- 32. Suyuti saw Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in wakefulness
- 33. Suyuti and folding of the land
- 34. Miracle acts
- Remaining Poets of Ghadeer in the ninth century Hijri
- Poets of Ghadeer in the tenth century Hijri
- Poets of Ghadeer in the eleventh century Hijri
- 79. Ibne Abi Shafeen Bahrani
- 80. Zainuddin Hameedi
- 81. Shaykh Bahai
- 82. Harfoshi Amili
- 83. Ibne Abil Hasan Amili
- 84. Shaykh Husain Karaki
- 85. Qadi Sharafuddin
- 86. Sayyid Abu Ali Ansi
- 87. Sayyid Shahab Musawi
- 88. Sayyid Ali Khan Mashashai
- 89. Sayyid Ziyauddin Yemeni
- 90. Maula Muhammad Tahir Qummi
- 91. Qadi Jamaluddin Makki
- 92. Abu Muhammad bin Shaykh Sanani
- Poets of Ghadeer in the twelfth century Hijri
- 93. Shaykh Muhammad Hurre Amili
- 94. Shaykh Ahmad Biladi
- 95. Shamsul Adab Yemen
- 96. Sayyid Ali Khan Madani
- 97. Shaykh Abdur Reza Miqri Kazmi
- 98. Alamul Huda Muhammad
- 99. Shaykh Ali Amili
- 100. Mulla Masiha Fasawi
- 101. Ibne Basharat Gharvi
- 102. Shaykh Ibrahim Biladi
- 103. Shaykh Abu Muhammad Shawiki
- 104. Sayyid Husain Rizvi.
- 105. Sayyid Badruddin Yemeni

In Quran, traditions and literature
Al-Ghadeer by Allamah Abdul Husain Amini (r.a.) is among the most important Shia polemic books of all times and the most outstanding book of modern times. I will not mention more than this about the book or the author, as the preface and introduction after this are quite sufficient and detailed in this regard.