…from the people of Medina, Kufa, Basra and Egypt
Balazari and others have narrated through authorities that the people of
Kufa, Basra and Egypt, a year before killing of Uthman, discussed in Masjidul
Haram conduct of Uthman and his changes and distortions and his not abiding by
his promise and the pledge he had made to God and said: We cannot allow him to do this.
They reached consensus and all of them returned to their cities and conveyed
the reports about rebellion against Uthman. The following year they came to
Uthman and surrounded his palace and asked him to mend his ways. And said
that if he refused their demands, they would take action against him.
So they did the same and when the appointed time arrived Ashtar set out
with two hundred people from Kufa to Medina. And Hakim bin Jabla Abdi came
with a hundred persons from Basra, who were later joined by fifty more persons
and they started marching. The people of Egypt, who were four hundred men,
and among them was Muhammad bin Abu Bakr, they also started for Medina.
When they reached Medina, they came to the house of Uthman and some
people from folks of Medina, from Muhajireen and Ansar accompanied them:
among whom was Ammar bin Yasir Abasi, who was present in the Battle of
It is mentioned in the narration of Masudi that among them was Bani Zohra
tribe, due to Abdullah bin Masud, because they were his allies. The Huzail tribe
was also present as it was a part of the former. Also, Bani Makhzum tribe and
their allies for the sake of Ammar. And the Ghiffar tribe and their allies for the
sake of Abu Zar. And the Teem bin Murra tribe for the sake of Muhammad bin
Abu Bakr and such others, to mention them all is beyond the scope of this book.
So they besieged Uthman for the first time.1
Letter of the people of Egypt to Uthman
Tabari in his Tarikh,2 has narrated from Abdullah bin Zubair from his father
that: The people of Egypt wrote a letter to Uthman from Sakhiya3 or Zee
Khashab4 and a man from them brought a letter till he met him in person, but
Uthman did not reply and ordered him to be thrown out.
The following was mentioned in that letter: “In the name of Allah, the
Beneficent, the Merciful. So to say, “surely Allah does not change the condition
of a people until they change their own condition”. So for the sake of Allah, for
the sake of Allah and again for the sake of Allah, indeed you are the ruler in
world, so be desirous of its completion in the hereafter. And do not forget your
share in the hereafter and the world is not lawful for you. And know that by God,
we are angry for the sake Allah and we shall be pleased for the sake of God. And
indeed we do not carry our swords on our shoulders, except that clear repentance
or your deviation should reach us; or you become absolutely misguided. This is
our statement to you our order to you, and Almighty Allah is our helper against you. And peace.
Caliph’s promise to abide by Quran and Sunnah in 35 A.H.
Balazari has mentioned some reports of Abi Mikhnaf in his Ansab as
People of Egypt came to Medina and they and others first surrounded
the house of Uthman….Mughira bin Shoba came to Uthman and the latter said:
“Leave me alone, go to these people and see what they want.”
So he came to them and when he arrived, they screamed: O cock-eyed one,
go back! O oppressor, go back! O transgressor, go back! So he returned and
Uthman summoned Amr Aas and said:
“Go to these people and call them to the Book of Allah and try to regain
their confidence.”
When he came, he greeted them and they responded: “May God not bless
you. O enemy of God. Go back O son prostitute; as you not trustworthy in our
Then the son of Umar and others said: “No one can speak to them, except
Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.).” So Uthman sent for Ali, and when he arrived, he said:
“O Abul Hasan, go to these people and call them to the Book of Allah and
Sunnah of their Prophet.”
He said: “Yes, but upon the condition that you make a pledge in the name of
God, that you will honor all assurances that I make on your behalf.” “Yes,” he
So Ali (a.s.) took is most sincere pledges and then returned to those people.
They said: “Go back.”
He said: “No, I will come forward. You will be conducted according to
Book of Allah and you will be satisfied about all your demands.” Then he
mentioned all the assurances that Uthman had given.
They asked: “Do you guarantee this from him?”
“Yes,” he said.
They said: “We agree.”
Their elders and nobles came with Ali (a.s.) to meet Uthman. They
condemned him and explained to about what has distressed them; and he made
them satisfied regarding every point. So they said: “Write down a document on
So he wrote: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. This is a
letter from Uthman, chief of believers to believers and Muslims, who have
criticized him. Indeed, you have the right that I should conduct among you by
Book of God and Sunnah of Prophet. Those, who are deprived of share in
allowance, would be restored income. Those, who are in fear, shall be assured. And those, who are banished, shall be recalled. And warriors shall not remain
where they are deputed. And shares of booty shall be increased.
Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) gave assurance to believers and Muslims that
Uthman would honor the terms of this agreement.
This letter was written in Zilqad, 35 A.H. After that the people took a copy
of the letter and returned and Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) said to Uthman: “Go out
and make a speech, so that people may hear from you directly and become
assured from your side. Because the cities are in a rebellious mood against you
and you are not safe that other warriors from Kufa, Basra and Egypt may arrive
and you may again have to say: O Ali, go to them; and if I don’t do that, you will
say: You did not honor my relationship with you and disregarded my right.”
So Uthman came out and delivered a speech and agreed to what was
decided. He also expressed his regret for his past conduct and said: “I heard the
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) say: Whoever commits a mistake, should repent for
it. So I am the first of those, who accepted this advice. So when I come down,
your elders should come to me and mention their opinions. By God, if a person
makes me return to the truth, I would follow him and there is no escape from
God, except to Him.”
People were pleased at this speech and while they were elated they
surrounded his house.