Born 278 A.H.
Died: 342 A.H.
This poem has 83 verses, some of which are as follows:
1. He is such that Muhammad on Ghadeer day when he feared thedishonesty of Nasibis, said: 2. Am I not having more authority on you thanyou have on yourself? Yes, they replied, like doubtful dishonest persons 3. Sohe said: Of whomsoever I am the master, this brother of mine is (also) hismaster after me. 4. All of you follow him as he is to me as Harun was toMoosa, who spoke to God.
Abul Qasim Tanukhi Ali bin Muhammad…bin Yaarab bin Qahtan binGhaban bin Shalih bin Shahad bin Saam bin Nuh (a.s.)1. He was born on Sunday,when four days remained from Zilhajj in the year 278 A.H. in Antioch. He livedthere all his life till he moved to Baghdad during his youth and became an expertin Hanafite school of Islamic law.
What is concluded from different statements about him is that he was aMutazali in belief and a Hanafite in practical law and he was a Zaidiyyah inreligion. He died on the afternoon of Tuesday, 7th Rabiul Awwal, 342 A.H. inBasra.