It is widely narrated that our master, Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), Imam
Husain (a.s.) and his virtuous son, Ali Ibnul Husain Zainul Abideen (a.s.) recited
a thousand units of prayer during twenty-four hours.1
Such was the general belief and all scholars accepted it, till Ibne Taymiyyah
entered the field with prejudice and thought that such a practice was detestable
and there was no merit in that. He deemed it to be a sign of ignorance, because
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) did not pray more than thirteen units of prayers
during the night and day; he did not pray a few units more than the fixed units.
His Eminence never prayed whole nights and he did not fast every day. He says:
“It is not recommended to make it a habit of praying whole nights, on the
contrary, it is detestable and is not a proven practice of Prophet. In the same way
is fasting all days.”
Sometimes he regards this act impossible, and writes:
“Ali (a.s.) was more cognizant of the practice of Prophet and he emulated
the Prophet more than others, it is very unlikely that he should have opposed the
Sunnah of Prophet in this manner. Although, supposing that such an act (of
reciting a thousand units) is possible. How is it possible when reciting a thousand
units along with performance of other obligatory acts is practically impossible,
because man is needful of sleep and food as well…
Unless such act should be performed hurriedly, so as to resemble the
pecking of crow; in that case it would be of no use as it would lack sincerity,
which is a necessary requirement.”
Then he concludes his discourse with the following statement:
“The issue of remaining awake the whole night for prayers and reciting
Quran in a single unit is a matter proved from Uthman (r.a.); from this aspect his
nightly vigil and recitation of Quran is more apparent than that of others.”2
Reply: As for regarding this act detestable and showing it to be opposed to
Sunnah of Prophet; and as result of that denying its excellence, is from his
exceeding ignorance about glories of worship acts, jurisprudence of Sunnah and
his concealment of reality due to ignorance or malice, because thirteen units of
recommended prayers of Prophet: Midnight prayer including Shafa and Watr
prayer, and Nafila of Morning Prayer and also the Nafila of daily prayers, with
the details mentioned in numerous traditional reports, all are Nafila of the night
or the day. They do not have any connection with recommended prayers and do
not contradict with the captioned tradition.
It is narrated from His Eminence that: “Prayer is the best thing, which is
legislated: whether it is more or less.”3
Also: “Prayer is the best thing, which is legislated. Thus, whoever can recite
more, should recite more.”4
It is narrated by Bukhari5 and Muslim in an authentic tradition that His
Eminence stood in prayers for long durations during the night; such that his feet
used to crack.
And this has been the permanent practice of those, who perform worship
acts like prayer, fast, Hajj, recitation of Quran and other acts, which make one
proximate to Allah and each one performs as per his capacity and does not rest
content on the quantum of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). People do not have same
strength and capacity and Almighty Allah says:
فَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ مَا ٱسْتَطَعْتُمْ
“Therefore be careful of (your duty to) Allah as much as you can.”6
لَا يُكَلِّفُ ٱللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا
“Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability.”7
From this aspect, some people recite a hundred units of prayer every day8 and some like Qaazi Faqih Abu Yusuf Kufi recited two hundred units every day.9
Some, like Ahmad bin Hanbal (d. 241 A.H.), founder of Hanbali school, recited three hundred units of prayers every day.10
Some, like Abu Hanifah Noman (d. 150 A.H.), leader of Hanafis, recited four hundred units of prayers every day.11