3. Statement of Abu Talib to Ali (a.s.): “Obey your cousin.”
Ibne Ishaq says: Some scholars have mentioned that when it was time for
prayers, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) went to the valleys around Mecca; Ali
Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) away from the eyes of Abu Talib, his uncles and
community, accompanied him and they prayed. When it was late afternoon, they
returned and a long time passed in this manner.
Till one day Abu Talib saw them praying. So he asked the Messenger of
Allah (s.a.w.a.): “O nephew, what religion is this, which you have selected for
yourself?” He replied: “Uncle, this is the religion of God, religion of angels,
religion of prophets and our ancestor Ibrahim (a.s.).”
They say that Abu Talib said to Ali (a.s.): “Dear son, what religion is that
which you follow?”
He replied: “Father, I have brought faith in God and Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) and testified for whatever he has brought. I pray to Allah with him. I
follow him.”
They have reported that Abu Talib said: “Know that he would definitely not
call you, except to goodness. So obey and serve him.”
In other words it is narrated from Ali (a.s.) that when he embraced Islam,
Abu Talib said:
“Remain in the service of your cousin.”1
It is mentioned in Sharh Ibne Abil Hadid that:2
It is narrated from Ali (a.s.) that he said: “My father said to me: My son,
remain in the service of your cousin, as through him, you will be safe from every
worldly and spiritual harm.”
Then he told me: “Indeed, there is stability in obeying Muhammad. So
strengthen yourself by remaining in his company.”
Ibne Abil Hadid has also written that: Among his verses compatible with the
above lines are as follows:
“Indeed, Ali and Ja’far are confident in hardships and severities of times. Do not leave the side of your cousin and provide assistance to him, as
your uncle is my paternal and maternal brother among others. And by God,
I will not desert the Prophet and my sons, each of whom is having lineage
and descent, will not abandon him.”
These three verses are present in Diwan Abu Talib as well.3
4. Statement of Abu Talib (a.s.): Complete the wings of your cousin
Ibne Athir has narrated that: Abu Talib saw Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and Ali
(a.s.) praying and Ali (a.s.) was to the right of His Eminence. So Abu Talib told
“Complete4 the wings of your cousin and stand to his left to pray.”
The Islam of Ja’far was slightly later than that of his brother. Abu Talib also
composed the following verses:
1. Abu Yaala [Hamza] have patience on the religion of Ahmad and
make your religion apparent, Almighty Allah will grant you patience! 2.
Defend with a rightful determination, one, who has brought truth from the
Lord; O Hamza do not be a disbeliever. 3. Indeed, you made me happy when
you say that you have embraced faith, so be one, who helps the Messenger of
Allah (s.a.w.a.) in the way of Almighty Allah. 4. Make your faith apparent
for Quraish and say that Ahmad is not a sorcerer.5
It is mentioned in Asniul Matalib that:6
Barzanji has said that: Reports of Abu Talib having love regard for Prophet
are widely narrated (Mutawatir); and he helped and supported and assisted him in
propagation of religion. His statements ordering his sons, Ali and Ja’far, to
follow and help him also prove this.
Ibne Abil Hadid has also written: Barzanji has said: “All these reports
clearly show that his heart was full of faith in the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.).”
5. Abu Talib’s bequest to his brothers
Ibne Saad has mentioned in Tabaqatul Kubra7 that:
“When the time of Abu Talib’s demise arrived, he summoned the sons of
Abdul Muttalib and said: ‘As long as you listen to the statements of Muhammad
and obey his orders, you will remain in goodness and well being, so follow him
and render assistance to him so that you may be guided.’”
In another version, it is mentioned: “O sons of Hashim, obey Muhammad testify for him and render assistance to him so that you may be successful and
Barzanji believes that these traditions prove the faith of Abu Talib and what
a nice and correct belief it is! He says:
“I say that it is very unlikely that Abu Talib, knowing that guidance lay in
following His Eminence and after ordering others to follow him, should himself
forsake it.”
6. Tradition from Abu Talib (a.s.)
In Isabah,8 Ibne Hajar has narrated on the authority of Ishaq bin Isa Hashmi
from Abu Rafe that: I heard Abu Talib say: “I heard my nephew, Muhammad bin
Abdullah, say that his Lord has sent him for doing a good turn to relatives and
that he should only worship Almighty Allah and not ascribe any partner to Him,
and Muhammad is very truthful and trustworthy.”