Balazari1 has narrated: When Uthman made those bestowals to Marwan bin
Hakam and to Harith bin Hakam bin Abil Aas gave three hundred thousand
dirhams, and to Zaid bin Thabit Ansari a hundred thousand dirhams, Abu Zar
said: “Give the news of a painful chastisement to those, who hoard wealth,” and
he recited the following verse of Quran:
وَٱلَّذِينَ يَكْنِزُونَ ٱلذَّهَبَ وَٱلْفِضَّةَ وَلَا يُنفِقُونَهَا فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ فَبَشِّرْهُم بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍۢ (٣٤)
“And (as for) those who hoard up gold and silver and do not
spend it in Allah’s way, announce to them a painful
Marwan bin Hakam reported this to Uthman and he sent his slave, Natil to
Abu Zar and said: “Desist from what has been reported to me.”
Abu Zar said: “Does Uthman forbid me from reciting the Book of God and
mention of someone, who leaves divine commandments. By God, I prefer
pleasing Almighty Allah than anger of Uthman. It is preferable for me than
pleasing Uthman through divine anger.”
This statement infuriated Uthman, but he did not say anything.
One day Uthman said: “Can the ruler borrow funds from Public Treasury
and when he gets money, returns the borrowed amount?”
Kaabul Ahbar said: “There is no problem in that.”
Abu Zar said: “O son of Jews, do you teach our religion to us?”
Uthman said: “How much distress do you cause me and insult my
companions? Go, join your school [place of gathering of a battalion].” And the
location of his school was in Shaam. And when he came alone for Hajj, he sought
permission of Uthman to remain by the tomb of Prophet and he allowed him. The
venue of his teaching was shifted to Shaam, because when he saw the
constructions of the city reach Salah [a mountain near Medina], he said to
“Indeed, I heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) say: ‘When the buildings
of Medina reach Salah, you should flee from there.’ So allow me to move to
Shaam, and I will fight there.” And he permitted him.
Abu Zar always found fault with Muawiyah’s acts. Muawiyah sent three
hundred dinars to him, Abu Zar said: “If these are from my share for this year,
which you deprived me of, I will accept it. And if it is your gift to me, I have no
need for it.”
And he sent Habib bin Muslima Fehra with two hundred dinars for Abu Zar.
Abu Zar said: “Do you send me the money because you cannot find anyone more
needful than me?” and he returned the amount.
Muawiyah constructed the Green Palace in Damascus. Abu Zar said: “O
Muawiyah, if this is built from funds of Almighty Allah, it is defalcation and if it
is made through your personal wealth, it is a waste.” Muawiyah fell silent.
And Abu Zar said: “By God, such acts have appeared, which I don’t
recognize. By God, this conduct is not based on Quran and Sunnah of Messenger
of Allah (s.a.w.a.). By God, I see that truth has fallen silent and falsehood has
revived and truthfulness is being belied; and nobility is obtained without piety
and the righteous are dominated.”
Habib bin Muslima said to Muawiyah: “Indeed, Abu Zar would spoil the
atmosphere of Shaam for you and if you need Shaam, you have to earn the
loyalty of its people.” So Muawiyah wrote to Uthman and the latter replied:
So to say: Mount Jundab on the most rebellious and harsh mount and send
him to me. So Muawiyah sent someone, who would drive the camel continuously
till Medina.
When Abu Zar reached Medina, he said: “You appointed children on posts
and gave them control on lands. And you made sons of freed slaves proximate to
Uthman sent him the message: “You may go wherever you like.” Abu Zar
said: “I want to go to Mecca.” “No,” said Uthman. He said: “To Baitul
Muqaddas.” “No,” said Uthman. He said: “To Kufa or Basra.” “No,” said
Uthman, “But I am sending you to Rabdha.” So he banished him to Rabdha, and
he remained there till he passed away.