It is narrated from Safiya daughter of Abu Ubayy: A man, whose one handand one leg was amputed, committed a theft during the reign of Abu Bakr. AbuBakr wanted to have his other leg amputed leaving his hand alone so that he mayperfume himself, perform ablution and other personal errands.
Umar said: “No, by the one, in whose hand is my life, you should cut off his other hand.”
So Abu Bakr issued the order and had his other hand cut off.
It is narrated from Qasim bin Muhammad that: Abu Bakr wanted to cut offthe leg of a person, whose one hand and foot was already cut off.
Umar said: “The Sunnah is that the hand should be cut off.”1
It is really amazing that the Caliph was unaware of the penalty of theft! Arule, which is most important piece of legislation to maintain peace and socialwelfare of the country. Also, it is from the fascinating instances that beforereferring to Book and Sunnah and only asking companions, and then takingcounsel from them, which was previously attributed to him,2 he immediatelyissued an order! Moreover, when someone guided the Caliph to the right path,why he forgot this during his reign and only intended what his friend hadintended?!3