Died: 401 A.H.
1. Muslims consider the day of Ghadeer as an Eid (feast) and one, who is inimical to Muslims denies that it is Eid. 2. O one, who denies the rank of Muhammad, the chosen Prophet, may you be destroyed and remain in loss. 3. Allah, the Mighty and High revealed this verse: This day, I have perfected your religion for you. 4. And today I complete the favor on you and indeed divine favors are due to the appointment of the Imam.1
Abu Najib Shaddad bin Ibrahim bin Hasan, known by the title of TahirJazari is from the poets of Ahle Bayt (a.s.), who composed different kinds ofvarious couplets voiced with flowing lines, having appropriate wordings anddepth of meaning.
He has a collection (Diwan) to his credit.
Ibne Shahr Ashob says in Mualimul Ulama2 that he is included him amongpoets of Ahle Bayt (a.s.), who openly composed poems about them.
It is mentioned in Mojamul Odba3 that He passed away in 401 A.H.