In Sunan Kubra,1 Baihaqi has narrated from Shobi that Umar delivered a
speech and after divine praise and glorification, said: “Do not fix higher amounts
as dowers and if I hear that a woman has taken dower more than the dower of the
wives of Prophet, I will recover it from her and deposit it in Public Treasury.”
Then he came down from the pulpit. A Quraish lady asked: “O chief of
believers, is the Book of Allah more worthy to be followed or your statement?”
He replied: “The Book of Allah, what do you imply?” She said: “You prohibited
heavy dowers, whereas Almighty Allah says in Quran:
وَاتَيْتُمْ إِحْدهُنَّ قِنْطَارًا فَلَا تَأْخُذُوا مِنْهُ شَيْئًا
“And you have given one of them a heap of gold, then take not from it anything.”2
Umar said twice or thrice: “Everyone is more learned than Umar,” and
according to another version, he said: “Everyone, except Umar is most learned,
even ladies in seclusion.”
Are you not amazed at an Imam, who makes a mistake and a woman, who
rectifies him?3
It is mentioned in the words of Khazin that:
“A woman, who states the right thing and a ruler, who commits a mistake.”4
And in the words of Razi in his book of Arbaeen:
“All people are more learned than Umar, even ladies at home.”5
5. Umar did not know the meaning of ‘Abb’
Anas bin Malik says: Umar recited the following verse from the pulpit:
فَأَنۢبَتْنَا فِيهَا حَبًّۭا (٢٧) وَعِنَبًۭا وَقَضْبًۭا (٢٨) وَزَيْتُونًۭا وَنَخْلًۭا (٢٩) وَحَدَآئِقَ غُلْبًۭا (٣٠) وَفَـٰكِهَةًۭ وَأَبًّۭا (٣١)
“Then We cause to grow therein the grain, and grapes and
clover, and the olive and the palm, and thick gardens, and fruits
and herbage”6
Then he said: “I know meaning of all these terms, but what is this ‘Abb’?”
Then he left the staff he was holding and said: “My God, this is a duty and what
is the problem if you don’t know the meaning of ‘Abb’? Follow that whose
guidance is clear to you from Quran and act upon it, and leave the knowledge of
what you don’t know to Almighty Allah.”
It is narrated from Thabit that a man asked Umar about the term of ‘abb’ in
the verse:
وَفَاكِهَةً وَآبَا
“And fruits and herbage”7
Umar replied: We are forbidden from excessive precaution and to penetrate
deeply. This tradition is also narrated in different words.8
Ibne Hajar says in Fathul Bari:9 “It is said: ‘Abb’ is not an Arabic term. And
it is supported by the fact that its meaning was unknown to the like of Abu Bakr
and Umar.”
Allamah Amini says: This statement, which Ibne Hajar mentioned is
nonsense! Because this word was known to all lexicologists and it is mentioned
in all glossaries, without any remark that this term is borrowed from some other
language into Arabic.
Supposing we accept that ‘Abb’ is not an Arabic term, is the statement of
Allah in its explanation, which follows it:
مَّتَـٰعًۭا لَّكُمْ وَلِأَنْعَـٰمِكُمْ (٣٢)
“A provision for you and for your cattle.”10
…also not Arabic? Then what is the excuse of Abu Bakr and Umar for not
knowing the meaning of these terms? And in that case, how is it possible for Ibne
Hajar’s justification to stand?
Yes, it is clear for Ibne Hajar that those two had to be defended in any way,
even if he had to resort to wild interpretation of the language of Arabs and
denying the actual import of language.
…also not Arabic? Then what is the excuse of Abu Bakr and Umar for not
knowing the meaning of these terms? And in that case, how is it possible for Ibne
Hajar’s justification to stand?
Yes, it is clear for Ibne Hajar that those two had to be defended in any way,
even if he had to resort to wild interpretation of the language of Arabs and
denying the actual import of language.
Bukhari has mentioned the captioned traditional report in his Saheeh,11 but in
order to conceal the Caliph’s ignorance of meaning of ‘Abb’ he has omitted the
initial statements. But in this way, he has put himself into a difficult situation,
whereas according to demands of traditions, which he has quoted, it is prohibited
to suffer undue trouble! And it was not important for him that others should know
actual statements of Umar.
The report is mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari as follows: Anas said: We were
with Umar and he said, “We have been forbidden to undertake a difficult task
beyond our capability.”
How numerous are such instances in Saheeh Bukhari, where the compiler
has distorted reports according to his beliefs!