Now, relate Sakatwari’s statement to that of Raazi, when he said: The first
earthquake, which occurred in Islam was in the year 20th year of Hijra as is
mentioned in Tarikh Khamis:6 An earthquake occurred in the 1 A.H. and the
Prophet said: “Indeed. Allah, the Mighty and Sublime wants you to obtain His
pleasure, so obtain His pleasure.”
As for the report about Umar saying: ‘O Sariya, the mountain, the
mountain,’ Sayyid Muhammad bin Darwish Hoot has written in Asniul Matalib
This statement of Umar is from the pulpit when he got a vision in which he
saw Sariya,3 who was in Nahawand in the land of Fars.4 Wahidi and Baihaqi have quoted this story through weak chains of narrators and scholars believe it is all
right to add to excellence of Caliphs. [and prove excellence through every weak
chains of reporters].
Previously, we believed that Ibne Hoot has not followed justice in this
command by the weakness of tradition and it should be said that this tradition is
fabricated. So, we realize that Ibne Badran (d. 1346 A.H.) after the mentioned of
this tradition from Saif bin Umar in the addenda, which he has written to Tarikh
Ibne Asakir,5 he has regarded it as correct.
At that time we understood that Ibne Hoot has brought a calamity in that
command. How audacious Ibne Badran has been in this falsehood and veiling
facts; has he not seen the statements of his scholars regarding Saif bin Umar? Or
that those tradition scholars did not have capacity to evaluate every chain of
narrators? Ibne Habban says:6
“Saif bin Umar has narrated fabricated traditional reports from trustworthy
persons. They say that he fabricated tradition and blamed him for infidelity. Ibne
Adi has written:7
“Some of his traditions are famous and most of them are unacceptable and
no one has supported their narration.”
As for the villages being on fire because a man refused to change his
name: It is nonsense which Islamic law, intellect and logic does not accept. Only
this Caliph had such views regarding names and agnomens, as was mentioned
before8 – and because of these viewpoints, he changed the names of persons,
whom Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had named; on the basis of this frivolous excuse
that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) has passed away and is forgiven and we
don’t know how we would be dealt with
He wanted Almighty Allah to punish the whole village whose folks live in
peace as one of their men has not obeyed the Caliph in a recommended matter, so
that it even burns down the righteous persons living there and numerous
properties be destroyed. If you stood on a height at that village, which was being
burned, you would definitely weep for infants and sinless animals there.
We regard Almighty Allah to be remote from such acts and also consider
elders of community immune from accepting these degrading falsehoods. May God eliminate displaced love, what all it can do and what all it can fabricate!