If Allah, the Mighty and the High makes someone able to enliven all the
folks of the earth, he would not become a partner of Almighty Allah, because
God is one, who enlivens the earth after its death.
Now, come, let’s ask Qaseemi: Shia, who say: Whenever the Imams make
an intention to understand something, Almighty Allah makes it clear to them.
How can it be concluded from this that Imams are partners of God in unseen?
After this, supposing their knowledge is through Allah’s informing, what
common point do they have?
We ask this man: How this polytheism of leaders of community remained
concealed? They have narrated from Huzaifah that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
informed him about the past and the future till Judgment Day.1
Also, a report, which Ahmad, leader of the faith that Qaseemi follows,
included in his Musnad:2 It is narrated from Abu Idris that he said: I heard from
Huzaifah bin Yaman that he said:
“By God, I am the most knowledgeable of people regarding every mischief
that is to take place from the present till Judgment Day.”
Qaseemi was ignorant that the knowledge of believer at the time of his
death, choice of death, meeting Almighty Allah – if he is given a choice between
life and death – it is not impossible, and will not be a great issue and not unlikely
with the status of a believer; what to say about Imams of believers from the holy
Is this man not aware about what his co-religionists have narrated about their
leaders and considered it to be their merits?
Ahmad in Musnad3 and Tabari has mentioned in Riyaz4 that on the basis of a
dream that Umar has seen, he informed about his death and between that dream
and the time he was assassinated, there was a only a gap of a Friday.
In Riyaz,5 it is narrated from Kaabul Ahbar that he said to Umar:
“O chief of believers, I swear that you will die in three days.”
Abu Lulu attacked him after three days. When people came to him – and
Kaab was also present – Umar said: It was predicted by Kaab.
It is also narrated that Uyyana bin Hasan Fuzari said to Umar:
“Be careful or remove non-Arabs (Persians) from Medina, as I am not sure
someone would attack you soon.” And he placed his hand at the spot where Abu
Lulu hit.
If you want to be amazed, you should be amazed that during the tenure of
Abu Bakr, a corpse at the time of its burial predicted the killing of Umar.
Baihaqi6 has narrated from Abdullah bin Ubaidullah Ansari that:
“I was from those, who participated in the burial of Thabit bin Qays, who
was killed in Yamama7. When they placed him in the grave, we heard him say:
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr is truthful (Siddiq), Umar is a
martyr and Uthman is the righteous merciful one. Then we looked and saw that
he was dead (and speaking in that condition and informing about future).”
It is narrated from Abdullah Salam that he said: “I saw the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.a.), Abu Bakr and Umar in dream. They said: Be patient as the following
day, you would break your fast with us.”
It is narrated from Ibne Umar that: Uthman addressed the public in the
“I saw the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in dream, saying: Uthman, break your fast
with us tomorrow.”
So, he kept a fast and was killed the same day.8
A drop from the ocean
In numerous books of Ahle Sunnat scholars, excessive incidents are found
regarding persons they consider excellent, whom they believe to have knowledge
of unseen.9 No one considers this polytheism and nothing is heard from Qaseemi
and his like regarding this. But when such things are mentioned about Shia
Imams, Ahle Sunnat take a tough stance and raise a great clamor.
An amazing point
More amazing is the fact that an Ahle Sunnat man claims that he sees the
Protected Tablet (Lauhe Mahfooz) and reads it. This lofty claim is accepted from
him, is mentioned among his merits and is regarded true, without any objection.
In Shazaratuz Zahab,10 Ibne Imad says in the biography of Maula
Mohibuddin Muhammad bin Mustafa Khujwi Hanafi (d. 950 A.H.), author of
gloss on Baidhawi and other writings:
He says: “If I have doubt about some verse of Quran I focus my attention on
Allah, the Mighty and High. Then my breast expands till it becomes as wide as
the earth and two moons rise up in it, which I don’t know what they are? Then an
effulgence appears, which is the path to the Protected Tablet (Lauhe Mahfooz)
and I derive the meaning of the verse from it.”
A lot of such nonsense is mentioned in books like Tabaqat of Sherani, Al-Kawakibut Durriya of Nawai, Rauzul Rihayeen of Yafai and Rauzatun Nazireen
of Shaykh Ahmad Watari.
وَٱلَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا۟ بِـَٔايَـٰتِنَا سَنَسْتَدْرِجُهُم مِّنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ (١٨٢)
“And (as to) those who reject Our communications, We draw them near (to destruction) by degrees from whence they know not.”11