Khatib in Ruwatul Malik and Baihaqi in Shaabul Imaan,1 and Qurtubi in his
Tafseer, have narrated through reliable channels from Abdullah bin Umar that:
“Umar memorized Surah Baqarah in twelve years and when he
accomplished it, he sacrificed a camel.”2
In his Tafseer, Qurtubi says:3 “Umar learnt Surah Baqarah and obtained its
understanding and knowledge in twelve years.”
Allamah Amini says: This shows that he was not having attachment to
Quran, which is the most important source of Islam and encompassing
knowledge regarding the needs of humanity and he did not give any importance
to it; that he took such a long time to memorize a chapter from it.
Perhaps, as it is mentioned in numerous writings; and which he himself and
some companions have admitted that his excessive interest and time spent in the
market prevented him from learning the Quran.
Or it was due to lack of capability and weak memory that he could not
remember the issues properly and that is why he needed to repeat and practice a
great deal to retain the verses.
The previous statement4 of Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), which he
addressed to him: “Indeed, I think that you will leave the world before learning
And the statement of His Eminence5 regarding him, addressed to Hafasa: “I
don’t think your father would learn that.”
And the above-mentioned statement of His Eminence to him: “I think that
you would pass away before learning that.”
And statement of Prophet regarding him when he said to Hafasa: “I don’t
think your father would remember that.”
And the statement of His Eminence (s.a.w.a.): “I don’t think that he would
learn it.”
All of them support the second possibility. And the support of this point is
mentioned in books:
“Umar was more intelligent and knowledgeable than Uthman, but
memorizing Quran was difficult for him.”6
Whatever the reason may be, it is certain that he was unable to memorize
Surah Baqarah during lifetime of Prophet, because Surah Baqarah, except for
some verses revealed in Farewell Hajj, according to the opinion of all exegesists,
was revealed in Medina, and Ayesha says:
“Surah Baqarah and Surah Nisa were not revealed, but that I was with Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a.).”7
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), according to Ahle Sunnat, passed away in
Rabiul Awwal of 11th year of Hijra. From this aspect, he had not learnt Surah
Baqarah from the Prophet. On the contrary, he learnt it from one or more
companions; and they were the same persons about whom the sayer says:
“The Caliph was generally the most knowledgeable of companions.”
Also, this shows that he was unaware of most of the sciences present in
other Surahs, and memorizing Quran in this manner, keeping in mind its length,
would have required at least 130 years.
Thus, by this calculation the Caliph would have needed a period of 150
years to memorize the whole Quran. And the age of Caliph was not sufficient for
him to memorize Quran; especially when rules contained in other Surahs are
more than what is contained in Surah Baqarah.
So, he was the Caliph as well as a learner, whereas the Caliph is supposed to
be a teacher and not a learner. That is why he was unaware of numerous laws
present in the Quran. And he regarded the simplest issue to be most difficult and
“It is prohibited to discuss or analyze this issue.”8
He often mentioned the statement: “One, who wants to inquire something
related to Quran, should contact Ubayy bin Kaab…” till the end as was
mentioned above.9
This was the condition of the Caliph, before he was involved in
forgetfulness. As for after forgetting:
Muhammad bin Sirrin narrates that Umar, in the last part of his life, became
so absent-minded that he used to forget the number of units in prayers. Therefore,
he used to make a person stand beside him who may remind him when he is in
doubt. So, when that person gestured for Umar to arise, he rose up and when he
hinted to him to perform genuflection, he used to genuflect.10
Indeed, man should be amazed at the fact that he, with all these conditions,
and inspite of excessive errors committed by him, and which became clear; how
he did not restrain from issuing decrees and commands?!!
Like father like son
In Muwattah, Malik narrates that:11
“Abdullah Ibne Umar spent eight years in learning Surah Baqarah by heart.”
Aini says in Umdatul Qari:12
“It took twelve years for Abdullah Ibne Umar to learn Surah Baqarah by