1. I am aloof from the degraded persons, who were inimical to Ali (a.s.)
and who fought against him. 2. They forgot that Ali (a.s.) is the best of the
creatures who, on day of Ghadeer Khum was appointed for Mastership
(Wilayat) by Almighty Allah at the hands of the Prophet. 3. Till I rub in dust,
the nose of one, who criticizes my statement about Ali, I will say: the
excellence of Ali (a.s.) is like a limitless ocean. 4. I am aloof from those, who
(usurped his right and) delayed his Caliphate; because he had precedence
over all in this position. 5. Ali (a.s.) is one, who defeated the stalwarts when
they saw the lightning of the sword in his hands.
Explanation of the couplets
Shaykhul Islam, Hamwaini has mentioned this panegyric in chapter sixtyeight of his book of Faraidus Simtain1 and he says:
Taramma Tai came to Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan along with Hisham
Muradi and Muhammad bin Abdullah Himyari. He placed a purse of gold before
them and said:
“O poets of Arab, recite couplets regarding Ali Ibne Abi Talib and don’t
mention anything, except the truth. I am not from the lineage of Sakhr bin Harb if
I don’t give this purse of gold to one, who recites couplets about Ali.”
Taramma arose and recited a poem criticizing Ali. Muawiyah said: “Sit
down, God is aware of your intention and status.”
After that Hisham Muradi rose up and spoke negatively about His
Eminence. Muawiyah said: “You may also take a seat besides your friend as God
knows your status and ranks.”
Amr Aas was present in the gathering. He and Muhammad bin Abdullah
Himyari were among his special confidants. He said to Abdullah: “Arise and
recite, but don’t mention any falsehood.”
Then he turned to Muawiyah and said: “O Muawiyah, you promised that
you would give this purse of gold only to one, who mentions only truth about
Muawiyah repeated: “Yes, I will not be from the lineage of Sakhr bin Harb,
if I don’t give it to one, who speaks about the merits of Ali.”
Thus, Muhammad bin Abdullah Himyari rose up and recited the above lines.
Muawiyah said:
“You are the more truthful of all. This purse is yours.”
Introduction to the poet
Muhammad bin Abdullah Himyari was the friend and companion of Amr
Aas. It is possible that he was the son of Qaazi Abdullah bin Muhammad Himyari, to whom Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan had entrusted the office of seals.
According to Jaishiyari in the book of Al-Wuzra wal Kuttab,2 it was Qaazi.
Although I think it is most likely that the composer of the above couplets is
Abdullah, father of Muhammad himself. In books of history, the name of his
father, which is Muhammad, precedes his own name, Abdullah and has become
same as the name of his father.
Muawiyah had established the ministry of seals. Ibne Taqtaqi says regarding
this in the book of Al-Aadab was Sultania:3
“It means that it was a ministry and office of vicegerents of Caliph, and
whenever a letter was issued regarding an ordinance this letter was brought to the
ministry and it was multiplied and a copy of it remained in the department. Then
it was wrapped in cotton and sealed with candle and seal wax. As during our
period this process is carried out with legal documents and that copy is sealed
with the seal of the officer of the department.”