Born 513 A.H.
Died: 569 A.H.
1. Your Mastership (Wilayat) is obligatory on all Muslims and yourfriendship before my messenger (for the hereafter) is the most excellentwindfall. 2. If a person does not honor himself by having affection for you,he would start the day when he is not honored by God. 3. You inheritedguidance through declaration of Isa, son of Haider and Fatima and notthrough declaration of Isa, son of Maryam. 4. He said: Obey my cousin,because he is my trusted one on the hidden secrets of God. 5. Cousin of Ali,Muhammad Mustafa appointed Ali as his successor on the people of Najdand Tahama (Hijaz and Mecca). 6. At a place, where all the young and oldwere present, although precedence is for one, who is the most excellent (andAli was the first Muslim and exceeded everyone in all positive qualities).
He was the jurist, Najmuddin Abu Muhammad Ummara bin Abul Hasan Alibin Zaidan bin Ahmad Hukami Yemeni: he was a Shia Imamiyah jurist, teacher,writer and a senior martyr of Shiaism.
His poetry is fluent and eloquent and it is highly interesting. More than allthis, he was ever affectionate to the progeny of Prophet and was a firm believer intheir Imamate. So much so that he sacrificed his life for this faith.
I end his biography with his couplets, which are in form of supplication:
1. O God, bestow guidance to us in our affairs and help us throughYour good assistance. 2. Do not leave us to our devices as our self is unableto improve what is destroyed. 3. You are the noble one and I am a needy one.I pose before You as a suppliant with my hands asking from You. 4.Reposing hope in You is eligible for rewards: so reward me by keeping meunder Your veil (and conceal my sins and forgive them).1