Ibne Hajar has mentioned in Fathul Bari that:1 Ibne Mundhir has narrated through authentic chains of narrators that reaches upto Hasan Basri that the first
of those, who recited the sermon before the prayer, was Uthman. In the beginning
he first recited the prayer and then delivered the sermon.2 Finally he saw that
some people fail to reach till prayers. At that time he did this.
That is he delivered the sermon before prayer. This reasoning is other than
the reasoning, which Marwan presented, because Uthman saw the exigency of
congregation in this; that they should reach the prayer; but Marwan saw exigency
in their listening to the sermon.
But it is said that: People during the time of Marwan intentionally did not
listen to his sermon, because he cursed those, who were not eligible for cursing,
and he exceeded limits in praising some persons; that is why he only kept his
exigency in mind and it is possible that Uthman did this on some occasions as
opposed to Marwan, who always followed this practice.
Allamah Amini says: What is proved in the holy Sunnah is that the sermon
of Eidul Fitr and Eid of sacrifice is recited after prayer. Tirmidhi has written in
his Sahih that:3
That upon which scholars from companions of the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) acted was that they recited the prayer of Eidul Fitr and Eid of sacrifice
before the sermon. And it is said that: The first to deliver sermon before prayer
was Marwan bin Hakam.
The following are some traditional reports mentioned about this matter:
1. It is narrated from Ibne Abbas that: I testify that the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) on the day of Eidul Fitr and Eid of sacrifice, recited the prayer before
the sermon. Then he delivered the sermon.4
2. It is narrated from Abdullah Ibne Umar that: The Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) and after him Abu Bakr and after that Umar always recited the prayer
of Eidul Fitr and Eid of sacrifice before the sermon.5
Alas, if I only knew how divine proximity can be achieved through distorted
prayer, which was not supposed to be altered in any way?
Shaukani has written in Neelul Autar:6
With regard to the correctness of the prayer of Eidul Fitr and Eid of
sacrifice, if it is preceded by the sermon, it is a contradiction, in Mukhtasar
Muzni 7 a statement is narrated from Shafei that conveys that this prayer will not
be valid. Nawawi in Sharahul Muhazzib has mentioned as follows: The apparent meaning of Shafei is that no attention will be paid to this prayer. And this is the
correct point of view.
After that Umayyads, who gained power after Uthman, followed and
opposed the Sunnah, which was followed previously and delivered the sermon
before prayer. But this act of Uthman has one reasoning and the act of his
followers has another reasoning.
As for it being difficult for him to speak and the worshippers were not
pleased with the performance of a deranged sequence, and they dispersed from
around him; that is why he made the sermon precede the prayer, so that they have
to wait for prayer, that they may listen to him and may not be able to disperse
before the sermon.
Jahiz has written that: “When Uthman bin Affan mounted the pulpit, he was
unfit to deliver a speech and could not speak properly; he said: “Indeed, Abu
Bakr and Umar prepared a speech for such occasions and you are more needful of
a just imam than an imam, who is a speaker, and very soon a proper sermon will
be recited for you and if God wills, you would understand it.”8
Balazari has written in Al-Ansab that:9 “When allegiance was given to
Uthman he came to the people and recited a sermon. He praised and glorified
Allah and then said: ‘O people, initially it is difficult for the rider to ride, and
after today, there are days and if I remain alive, very soon I will recite a nice
sermon for you. I am not an orator and Almighty Allah will teach me.’”
As it is mentioned in Ansab of Balazari that Abu Mikhnaf has narrated that:
When Uthman mounted the pulpit, he said: O people, this is the occasion for
which I have not prepared a sermon and if Allah wills, I will return and speak to
you (later).
And it is mentioned in the report of Malikul Ulama in Bidaya was Sanaya
When Uthman became the Caliph, he recited a sermon on the first Friday
and after he mentioned: ‘Praise be to Allah,’ it was difficult for him to continue.
So he said: ‘You are more needful of a leader, who works more than a leader,
who speaks, and indeed Abu Bakr and Umar used to prepare speeches for these
occasions and after that deliver sermons, and I seek divine forgiveness for myself
and for you.’ And he came down from the pulpit and recited the Friday Prayer.
Perhaps because that position was hard for him, while he was on the pulpit,
he used to prolong the sermon by asking questions from public about reports and
market prices; as Ahmad has mentioned in his Musnad quoting through the
chains of Musa bin Talha.11 Haithami has mentioned this point in Majmauz Zawaid,12 and written: “All reporters of this tradition are reliable.”