Abdi’s panegyric in praise of Ali (a.s.)
“And Ali often said: O world, deceive others than (not me) as I cannot be deceived.”
In another panegyric, he says:
“The world with all its embellishments had not attracted him; on the contrary he said: Deceive any lowly man other than me.”1
The poet has hinted at the tradition of Zirar bin Zumra Kanani that when Zirar described Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) to Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan, he said:
“Indeed, when the night throws a veil around and the stars are absent, I saw
that holding his beard, he was writhing like man bitten by a snake, was lamenting
like a one in great sorrow, and saying: O world, O world, deceive others than me.
You have been aggressive to me or developed interest in me. I divorced you
thrice, now there is no scope for reconciliation again. Your tenure is short, your
comfort is small and your value is less…” till the end of the tradition.
This traditional report is mentioned by Abu Nuaim in Hilya,2 Ibne Abde Barr in Istiab,3 and Ibne Asakir in Tarikh4 and numerous other scholars of traditions and historians have narrated it.
Other verses of Abdi
When those people came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in that room
when the pure individual (Ameerul Momineen) was stitching the sandals of
His Eminence, they asked the Prophet: If something untoward happens, who
is your successor, so that we may refer to him for future problems? The
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) replied: “My successor is the one repairing the
sandals; he is capable, intelligent and pious.”5
In these verses, the poet has hinted at the tradition of Umme Salma, who
said to Ayesha at the beginning of the Battle of Jamal: I remind you of the time
when you and I were on a journey with the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) and Ali
was entrusted with the job of washing the clothes of the Prophet and repairing his
sandals. So the sandal of Prophet got a hole and that day Ali sat under the shade
of a Lote tree and began to repair them and your father came along with Umar
and sought permission from the Prophet to enter his tent. I went behind the
curtain and they entered and spoke to the Prophet about whatever they wanted.
After that they said:
“O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), we don’t know for how long you would remain with us; so please appoint someone as your successor upon us so that he can be a point of reference for us.”
His Eminence said: “Indeed, I know where he is and if I do that you would desert him as Bani Israel deserted Harun bin Imran.”
So they fell quiet and went away. When we came to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), you, who were the boldest from us with him asked:
“O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), whom do you leave as your successor among them?”
He replied: “Repairer of sandals.”
So, we came out and did not see anyone other than Ali.
You said: “O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), I did not see anyone other than Ali.”
He said: “Only he is my successor.” [After listening to the statement of Umme Salma] she said: “I remember.”
Umme Salma asked: “Then why did you stage an uprising and fight against Ali?”
Ayesha replied: “I only fight for reform among people and if Allah wills, I hope for divine rewards.”
Umme Salma said: “You would be responsible for your acts.”6