2. Objection two
He says: Without any doubt, Muawiyah regarded himself to be among
elders of Quraish since he was the son of an important leader of Quraish, Abu
Sufyan bin Harb and descendant of Umayyah, the eldest son of Abde Shams bin
Abde Manaf as Ali was the senior descendant of Bani Hashim bin Abde Manaf.
Thus, both of them were same in lineage.1
Reply to objection two
What can I say to this foolish and ignorant man, that the element of
prophethood and factor of divinity is transferred from loins of pure ancestors and
from wombs of chaste mothers, from prophets to successors, from successors to
guardians (Wali), from guardians (Wali) to wise ones, from wise ones to elders,
from elders to nobles, from nobles to the seal of messengership and his successor,
the owner of the great mastership (Wilayat). How can he compare it to Umayyad,
Abshami2 element and bestow equal status to the two?!
How deep is the difference between these two family trees? The family tree
of prophethood and Ali (a.s.), which is a goodly tree, whose roots are firm and
whose branches grow up to heavens and the tree of Umayyads, which is the filthy
tree, and whose roots are not stable.
How different are these two family trees! One is blessed olive tree and the
other is accursed tree in Quran.3
According to Tarikh Tabari, all scholar have consensus that: On the basis of
interpretation of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.),4 the accursed tree implies Bani
Umayyah. How does he regard both of them similar, whereas Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) says:
“From the sons of Adam, God chose the Arabs and from the Arabs chose the
Mudar tribe and from the Mudar tribe chose Quraish. And from Quraish, He
chose Bani Hashim and from Bani Hashim, He chose me.”5
Also, how do they consider both same? Whereas the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
during his lifetime was harassed by this accursed family a great deal. Since the
day His Eminence (s.a.w.a.) saw in dream that they were jumping up and down
on his pulpit like pigs and monkeys, he was never seen smiling again.6 The
following verse was revealed after this:
وَمَا جَعَلْنَا ٱلرُّءْيَا ٱلَّتِىٓ أَرَيْنَـٰكَ إِلَّا فِتْنَةًۭ لِّلنَّاسِ
“And We did not make the vision which We showed you but a trial for men.”7
How does he regard the two same? Whereas Bani Umayyah enslaved
people, misappropriated funds from public treasury, and made the Book of Allah
a means of deception, just as the trustworthy Prophet had informed?8
How does he regard Abu Sufyan as the Shaykh of Quraish? Whereas he is
the shame of Quraish. And according to absolute command of Prophet, he is
accursed, because one day, when His Eminence saw Abu Sufyan with Muawiyah,
he said:
“May God curse the leading one and the following one. And remove
mischief of one, who is following (Muawiyah).”9
Also, one day, the Prophet saw Abu Sufyan astride a camel, Muawiyah and
his brother were accompanying him: one was leading animal and the other,
driving it from rear. His Eminence (s.a.w.a.) remarked:
“O God, curse the one, leading the animal, one driving it and the rider.”10
How does he regard Shaykh of Quraish equal to Shaykhul Abtah? Whereas
Al-Qama says regarding him:
“Indeed, Abu Sufyan was not previously from Muslims; he embraced Islam
fearing a degraded death, he embraced Islam in a hypocritical way. Woe be on
Sakhr and his followers in the center of Hell fire, where fire is made to rage.”11
Alas, if Khizri had read the statement of Maqrizi in the book of An-Niza wat
Takhasum, where he says:12
“Abu Sufyan, leader of the clans – is the same, who during the Battle of
Uhad, fought against Prophet and martyred seventy best companions of His
Eminence (s.a.w.a.) from Muhajireen and Ansar, especially, the Lion of God,
Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib. He confronted the Prophet in Battle of Khandaq and
in that battle, he wrote as follows to the Prophet: O God, in your name, I swear
by the idols of Laat, Uzza, Saaf, Naila and Hubal, that I have come to you in
order to cut out the root. I see that you cling to the moat, as if seeing me has
distressed you. Know that like the day of Uhad, I will take revenge from you
He sent a letter to the Prophet through Abu Salma Jashmi and Ubayy bin Kaab read out that letter to the Prophet. His Eminence (s.a.w.a.) wrote in reply:
“I received your letter. Past pride has surrounded you, O fool of Bani Ghalib
and very soon Almighty Allah would put a barrier between you and your desires
and He would write victory and a good end for us. O fool of Bani Ghalib, you
will see a day, when I would break up the idols of Laat, Uzza, Saaf, Naila and
Abu Sufyan was always at war against God and Prophet till the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) set out for the conquest of Mecca. At that time Abbas bin
Abdul Muttalib, a friend of Abu Sufyan since the period of Ignorance, mounted
him behind himself on his animal and brought him to Messenger of Allah
When he met the Prophet, he requested him to grant him security. When His
Eminence saw him, Abu Sufyan said: “May my parents be sacrificed on you,
how noble you are. By God, if I knew there was another deity other than God, it
would have definitely helped me, removed my need and fulfilled my desires.”
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “Abu Sufyan, is it not time that you should
accept me as Prophet of God?”
He replied: “May my parents be sacrificed on you, I still feel dislike for this
in my heart.”
Abbas said: “Woe be on you. Recite the testimony of faith, before you are
At that moment Abu Sufyan recited the dual testimony of faith and became a
This was the story of his acceptance of Islam and you can yourself evaluate
what it was:
أَلَمْ يَأْتِهِمْ نَبَأُ ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ
“Has not the news of those before them come to them.”13
قُلْ هُوَ نَبَؤٌا۟ عَظِيمٌ (٦٧) أَنتُمْ عَنْهُ مُعْرِضُونَ (٦٨)
“Say: It is a message of importance, (And) you are turning aside from it:”14