Born 60 A.H.Died: 126 A.H.
1. Night vigils have deprived your eyes from sleep; tears and painfulsorrows have taken shelter in the heart, such that joys have becomeforgotten things. 2. Excess of grief has caused floods in the eyes. All sorrowsof the world are included in it and tears rain as if water is being poured fromhuge buckets. 3. All this is there, because they lost the most generous andvaliant one of Quraish and they have lost his intercession. 6. In the view ofthe Beneficent God, he openly announced the seven oft-repeated verses1(Surah Hamd) to people and for him (the Prophet) Abul Hasan was equaland chosen one. 7. Maula Ali was heedless of his pleasures and was alwaysstriving for the pleasure of his creator. 8. The Prophet chose him in such away that he honored Ali in the presence of his detractors. 9. Alas, that dayamidst the cluster of thick trees, the Mastership (Wilayat) of Ali wasannounced. 10. Alas, if he had also been obeyed. But people broke the pledgeof Mastership (Wilayat). I have not seen such a dangerous transaction. 11. Ido not curse them, but the first one committed a very dirty trick. 12. Morethan him was second one; who was his fast friend and the one, who guardedhis acts (he was also destroyed). 13. Those, who were their leaders and whowere most steadfast in turmoil. 14. They ignored his rights and staged arebellion giving proof of their infidelity. 15. Tell Bani Umayyah and itspower that if you fear your sword and lash. 16. Yes, I am fed up of such atime in which in your obedience I am forced to assent. 17. May God starveone, whom you fed and feed the one, whom you starved. 18. God Almightyopenly curses the first member2 of this gamble (Muawiyah); if he rules uponthe people and Khali3 19. And the disowned son (Walid bin Abdul Malik),who ruled against the evergreen Hashemite politics. 20. Bani Hashim werestalwarts in the field of the battle, whom no one in the world could defeat. 21.And regarding the reform of Ummah and its defense, they wereworthiest and in times of famine, they were like the signs of abundantblessings.
This panegyric is the best poetical composition of Kumayt – famous asHashimiyat – and as the author of the book, Al-Hadaiqul Wurdiya4has clarified,it comprises of 587 couplets, but dishonest hands worked upon it and expunged alarge number of lines from it. Like in case of other poets like Hassan, Farazdaqand Abu Nuwas and others.
Alas, if someone had exposed these crimes. This panegyric was printed inLeiden in 1904, containing 536 couplets. Along with the commentary of UstadMuhammad Shakir Khayyat it had 560 couplets and with the commentary ofUstad Rafei, only 548 couplets remain.