Died: 344 A.H.
This Qaisda has 42 verses:
1. The prophet raised his right hand so that the audience may see hisright hand (Ali). 2. In the position occupied by the caller and the warner. 3.He declared him to be his brother in Khum and loudly announced and wasnot shortcoming in declaring his praise. 4. He also said that the Ali is themost excellent of you and supported all judgments of Ali (a.s.). 5. He is to meas Harun was Moosa and what a nice comparison it is.
Abul Qasim and Abu Bakr and Abul Fazl1, Ahmad bin Muhammad2 binHasan bin Marrar, famous as Sanobari. He was poet of Shia faith and he left a large collection of poetry. What proves his Shia faith is that he was closelyassociated the Kushajam, who it is confirmed, was a Shia.