Born 647 A.H.
“When you hear the address of Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) on the day of
Ghadeer, as he occupied his seat: Of whomsoever I am the master, this
Haider is (also) his master; and no sane person has any doubt about it. Then
you will understand the clarification of Mustafa about Caliphate after him.
It is such a clarification that there is no need of any more explanation.”1
Introduction to the poet
Taqiuddin Abu Muhammad Hasan bin Ali bin Dawood Hilli was an expert
in jurisprudence, traditions, science of narrators (Ilme Rijal), Arabic and other
sciences. There is no dispute that he was a member of this incomparable
delivered sect and from among its distinguished scholars. Dictionaries of poets
and authors have extolled him. Although some have issued statements according
to the reliability of his famous book of narrators of traditions. Some have relied
on it.2 Some of them have diverged from it,3 but the best conduct is moderation
and the middle path. This is the viewpoint of most of our scholars that reliance is
placed on this book as well, like other books of narrators of traditions and in
some instances, criticism are also leveled against it.
As for poetry: His lofty aims impelled him to compose couplets.
He was born on 5th Jamadius Thani, year 647 A.H. and obtained his
education from Sayyid Hujjat Abul Fadhail Ahmad bin Tawus Hilli (d. 673 A.H.)
and he narrated traditions from him and some other scholars, among them being:
1. Muhaqqiq Najmuddin Ja’far bin Hasan Hilli (d. 676 A.H.). He was one of
his teachers of recitation of Quran.
2. Shaykh Najibuddin Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Saeed Hilli (d. 698 A.H.).
He was the cousin of the above mentioned scholar.
3. The great philosopher, Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi (d. 672 A.H.).
A number of Shia teachers have narrated traditions from him, among them
being Shaykh Raziuddin Abul Hasan Ali bin Ahmad Mazeedi Hilli (d. 757 A.H.)
and so on.
His valuable writings
In his book of narrators of traditions, he has enumerated his own valuable
We do not know the exact date of his death. We only know that he
completed his book of narrators of traditions in the year 707 A.H. when he was sixty years old. [In the same way, we know] that he was alive in the year 741
A.H. and at that time, he was aged 94 years.
66. Jamaluddin Khalai
Died: 750 A.H.
1. What a nice day is the day of Ghadeer, a day of celebration and joy. 2. When Mustafa selected the best chief after himself. 3. When he said: He is my successor during my absence and presence. 4. And he is my helper and supporter, and my vizier and assistant. 5. And he is the ruler after me on the basis of illuminated Quran. 6. He is one, whom Almighty Allah granted knowledge of every age. 7. He is one, whose obedience is obligatory for people of his time. 8. So obey him in order that you may obtain the best of treasures. 9. They responded while concealing their malice. 10. By accepting his statement, they offered congratulations. 11. O chief of the bees (leader of the community) and O one, whose friendship is tied to my conscience.5 12. He is the one, who gives me refuge from scorching fire. 13. He is one, whose praise is a source of affection as long as I am alive. 14. He is the one, who would convey me to Paradise on Judgment Day. 15. I have made my affections sincere for you; O owner of widespread and pouring knowledge. 16. My curse for one, who is inimical to you. 17. Convey your loyalists Khaliee to the sweet waters on the day of rising. 18. To declare immunity towards God Almighty from every thanklessness.
Introduction to the poet
Abul Hasan Jamaluddin Ali bin Abdul Aziz Abu Muhammad Khalai –
Khalii – Mosuli Hilli was a powerful poet of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) and he composed
exceeding couplets in their favor with maximum possible eloquence. His
collected poems are solely in praise and glorification of Ahle Bayt (a.s.). He was
an accomplished man and a versatile artist. He possessed an elegant and a
powerful rhetoric, and subtle, flowing verses.
He was a native of Hilla and passed away in the year 750 A.H. and was
buried there only and his grave is well known in that area. Both his parents were
Ahle Bayt haters (Nasibi). Qaazi Shustari in Majalisul Momineen6 and Zanuzi in
Riyazul Jannah, in the first Rauza, writes:
“His mother made a vow that if she got a male child, they would make him a
highway robber to waylay visitors (Zaireen) to the tomb of Imam Husain (a.s.).
When they had a male child and he reached maturity, his mother sent him as she
had vowed. When he reached near Kerbala, he waited for visitors, but he had a
dream: that caravans were passing and had covered him in dust. Then the last
judgment was held and it was ordered for him to be thrown into Hell. But due to
the pure dust that had settled on his body, the fire of Hell was not able to penetrate to his body. When he woke up, he changed his intention and became a
loyalist of Ahle Bayt (a.s.). For a long time, he continued to reside in Kerbala.
It is said that during that time, he composed two lines of poetry, which were
modified into Mukhammas7 by the contemporary poet Hajj Mahdi Faluji Hilli (d. 1357). They are as follows:
I see you in distress that profligacy has clearly surrounded your being
and carnal desires have overtaken you. 2. Thus, may your heart be tranquil
and your eyes pleased, and if you want to get salvation and perform the
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.), so that you meet Almighty Allah in
happiness. 3. If the angels see that you intend to perform Ziyarat of His
Eminence, they would record you among the visitors. 4. And definitely Hell
would become unlawful upon you, because fire of Hell does not reach the
body on which dust of the visitors Imam Husain (a.s.) settles.
He was absolutely sincere in his affections; so much so that he was given a
special bestowal by Ahle Bayt (a.s.). In Darus Salam,8 it is narrated from Hablul
Mateen of Maulana Muhammad Gilani that:
“There was a competition between him and Ibne Hammad,9 another poet, as
to which of them was a better poet regarding Ameerul Momineen (a.s.). Each of
them wrote a Qasida and placed a copy in the Sarcophagus of Imam Ali (a.s.), so
that Imam himself may adjudge. Thus, the Qasida of Khalii was chosen and it
was inscribed upon it in gold water: Good and on the Qasida of Ibne Hammad, it
was mentioned with silver water: Good. Ibne Hammad was disappointed and he
said to Ali (a.s.): I am your old loyalist and this man is your recent follower.
Later he saw Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) in dream, who said: You are from us and
he has freshly entered our fold and it was necessary to give concession to him.”