Balazari has narrated in Ansab,1 from channels of Muhammad bin Saad
through his chains of narrators from Abu Ishaq Hamadani that: Walid bin Uqbah2
consumed liquor and became intoxicated and led the Morning Prayer for two units.3 Then he turned and asked: “Shall I recite more?”
They replied: “No, we will recite our prayer.”
Abu Zainab and Jundab bin Zuhair Azdi came to him when he was
intoxicated and took off his finger ring and since he was intoxicated, he did not
Waqidi has written: It is said that: Uthman lashed some witnesses; so they
came to Ali (a.s.) and complained about it. He came to Uthman and asked: “You
trespassed on the limits and lashed people, who testified against your brother and
overturned the judgment? Whereas Umar said: Don’t impose Bani Umayyah and
progeny of Abu Muit on people.”
Uthman replied: “What is your opinion?”
He replied: “In my opinion, you should dismiss him and don’t entrust him
with any affairs of Muslims. And ask witnesses and if they are not having a bad
intention and enmity, apply the legal penalty on your friend.”
Waqidi says: It was said that: Ayesha was harsh on Uthman and he was
harsh on Ayesha; and he said: “What is your concern in this? You are
commanded to stay in your house.”
Some people repeated this statement of Uthman, and others said: “Who is
worthier than Ayesha for this statement;” and they thrashed each other with their
slippers; and this was the first battle, which occurred among Muslims after
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.).
Waqidi has narrated through a number of channels that: Talha and Zubair
came to Uthman and said: “We forbid you not to entrust Walid with any affairs
of Muslims and you disobeyed, and now they have testified against him that he
drank wine and became intoxicated; so depose him…”
Abu Umar has written in Istiab4 report of Walid’s leading people in prayer
while being intoxicated, and that after reciting four units during Morning Prayer,
he asked: “Shall I recite more?” Famous and trustworthy scholars have narrated it
and scholars of traditions have recorded it.5
It is mentioned in Tarikh Yaqubi that: Walid vomited in the prayer niche (Mihrab).
It is mentioned in Usudul Ghaba that: Famous is Walid’s query from the
people: “Shall I recite more for you?” after he had recited four units in Morning
Prayer, and reliable scholars of traditions have narrated this.6
It is mentioned in Seerah Halabiyya that:7 He led the people of Kufa in
prayer for four units and recited in his genuflection (Ruku) and prostrations
(Sajdah): “Drink wine and we would also drink it.” Then he vomited in the
prayer niche (and expelled liquor). After concluding the prayer, asked: “Shall I
recite more?”
Ibne Masud said: “May God not bless you or one, who appointed you.” He
thrashed Walid with a shoe and people stoned him and he ran into the castle,
while stones were being hurled at him and he was so intoxicated that he stumbled
In Al-Aghani,8 Abul Faraj has narrated from Abu Ubaid, Kalbi and Asmai
that: Walid bin Uqbah, was a fornicator and a drunkard. One day, he drank liquor
and stood up to lead the Morning prayer in the big Masjid. He recited four units,
then he addressed them and said jokingly: “Shall I recite some more?” Then he
came into the prayer niche and screamed in the prayer:
“My heart is attached to my wife, Rabab, even though both of us have
become aged.”
It is narrated from Matar Warraq that: A person came to Medina and said to
Uthman: “I prayed the Morning Prayer behind Walid bin Uqbah. After the prayer
he asked: ‘Shall I recite some more? I am very happy today.’ And I perceived
liquor on his breath.