What we mentioned so far regarding Uthman, its base is his excellence and
to purify his sanctity from the dirt of his acts and omissions and fabricating
excuses and his defense against what he had committed. And we informed you
regarding authentic traditional reports regarding him and also false traditions in
his favor.
Among the crimes of historians is that first of all they concealed some very
obvious facts and relied on some traditional reports, and they have negated some
established facts of history. Whoever is an Uthmani by belief and is inclined to
Umayyads, he has not presented any other reports than these.
Leave aside the books on history and traditions – like Tarikh Umam wal
Mulook by Tabari, Al-Tamhid, of Baqilani, Al-Kamil of Ibne Athir, Riyazun
Nazarah of Mohib Tabari, Tarikh of Abul Fida, Tarikh of Ibne Khaldun, Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya by Ibne Kathir, As-Sawaiq of Ibne Hajar, Tarikhul Khulafa
of Suyuti, Rauzatul Manazir of Ibne Shahna Hanafi, Tarikh Akhbare Dawl of
Qirmani; Tarikh Khamis by Dayar Bakri, Nuzhatul Majalis by Safoori, Nurul
Absar of Shablanji
You will find that all these books are full of fabricated traditions and they
regard all these reports to be correct and after blackening the pages of their
books, they have sullied the face of history and through these reports, concealed
the established facts; and inverted the reality.
After that our Shaykh, Allamah Amini1 has mentioned other books and has
refuted their matter. Those books are as follows:
1. Al-Futuhatul Islamiya by Mufti of Mecca, Sayyid Ahmad Zaini Dhalan.
2. Al-Fitnatul Kubra by Dr Taha Husayn.
3. Uthman bin Affan by Professor of Arabic in Egypt, Ustad Sadiq Ibrahim Arjan.
4. Insaf Uthman by Ustad Muhammad Ahmad Jaad Maulabek.
Then he has written:2 And compare the book of Tarikhul Khulafa of Ustad
Abdul Wahab, whose pages are full of false reports and incorrect history, with
these books. Also Kitab Uthman by Ustad Umar Abu Nasr, in which nothing,
except Umayyad manners and moral are mentioned, which Shaykh Muhammad
Khizri had mentioned before. That is why, whatever the researcher has doubted
and objected about Khizri’s book the same are applicable to the statements of
Abu Nasr also.
Also, the book of Tarikhul Khulafa Rashideen of Sayyid Ali Fikri, which is
in fact the third volume of his book: Ahsanul Qasas, this book is the most
balanced of books written on this subject and it shows the equitable nature and
pure disposition of the author.
Although he had written this book on the basis of fabricated traditional
reports, but he has not fallen into dangerous discussions and has not sunk into the
whirlpool of deviation like the calamities and heresies blamed on the Caliph and
what is mentioned in order to clear him of those heresies.
He has mentioned the account of Caliph in such a way that he bows before
his greatness, and the Ummah from all sides have conspiracy and affection, and
the discussion, struggle and condemnation and defense did not reach his ears, as
if what is mentioned about the excellence of Caliph and his being of noble nature
and his perfect self written are all fabricated principles and he does not notice any
criticism. Soon you will read about the value and reliability of these statements;
وَلَا تَعْجَلْ بِالْقُرْآنِ مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ يُقْضَى إِلَيْكَ وَحْيُهُ
“And do not make haste with the Quran before its revelation is made complete to you.”3