All the reports, which we mentioned above and others, which we did not
quote, refutes the statement of those who speak without evidence and proof and
who quote this report from Shobi.
They quote from him that when the illness of Fatima turned serious, Abu
Bakr sought permission to enter. Ali asked Fatima: “Abu Bakr is at the door and
is seeking permission to enter. If you want, you can permit him.”
She asked: “Would you approve my allowing it?”
“Yes,” he replied. So Abu Bakr entered and apologized and spoke to her and
Her Eminence forgave him.
It is narrated from Awzai: It was reported to me that Fatima, daughter of Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) became infuriated at Abu Bakr. So, Abu Bakr came
out on a hot day and stood outside the door of Her Eminence and said: “I will not
go away from here till daughter of Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) accepts my
So, Ali came to Fatima and adjured her to accept his apology and she accepted it.1
The trace of this report is not found in any of the sources of traditions and
only Awzai, who died in 157 A.H. and Shobi, who died in 104 or 107 or 109 or
110 has quoted it without chains of narrators?
I don’t know who narrated it to them and who has revealed it on these two?
Yes, a report, which Ibne Qutaibah has narrated, is similar to reports of
Sahih books. He has narrated that: Umar said to Abu Bakr: “Come, let us go to
Fatima, because we have infuriated her.”
So they came and sought permission from Fatima, but she did not allow
them. Ali came and spoke with her and brought them inside the house. When
they sat near Fatima, she turned her face to the wall. The two of them greeted her,
but she did not reply to their Salaam.
Abu Bakr said: “O beloved daughter of Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), by
God, relationship of the Messenger is dearer to me than my own relationship.
And I love you more than I love my daughter, Ayesha. I would have liked that
the day your father passed away, I should have also died. Do you think that
inspite of recognizing you and knowing your excellence, I would deprive you
from your right of inheritance of Prophet? But I heard your father, Messenger of
Allah (s.a.w.a.) say: We prophets do not leave inheritance and whatever we leave
is charity (Sadaqah).”
Fatima said: “Tell me, if you would recognize a tradition, which I may
narrate to you from the Prophet and act upon it?”
They replied: “Yes.”
She said: “I adjure you by Allah. Did you not hear Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) say: Fatima’s pleasure is my pleasure and anger of Fatima is my anger.
Thus, whoever loves my daughter, Fatima has loved me and whoever pleases
Fatima has pleased me; and whoever infuriates Fatima has infuriated me.”
They said: “Yes, we heard this from Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.).”
She said: I make Almighty Allah and angels as witness that you two have
angered me and have not pleased me and when I meet the Prophet, I would
complain to him about you.”
Abu Bakr said: “I seek refuge of Allah, the Mighty and the High from His
anger and your anger, O Fatima.”
Then Abu Bakr wept bitterly and was on the verge of dying. Fatima said: “I
swear by God, I will pray against you after every prayer.”
After that Abu Bakr came out from there crying. People surrounded him and
he told them: “Everyone of you, while you put your hand around the neck of your
wife2 and being pleased with his family, will pass the night into day. But you
have deserted me in the position that I am not in need of your allegiance. Take
away your allegiance from me.”3