12 Mutakallim Qaazi Muhammad bin Tayyab bin Muhammad Abu Bakr Baqilani (d. 403 A.H.) was a native of Basra and had settled in Baghdad. He was a senior scholar of scholastic theology and he wrote many books on this subject.
Khatib Baghdadi in his book of Tarikh1 , has testified to his veracity and praised him.
13. Abu Ishaq Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Thalabi Nishapuri,2 the famous writer of Quranic exegesis (d. 427-437 A.H.).
Ibne Khallikan has written in his book of history:3
“He was a unique scholar of traditions of his time. He is author of Tafseer Kabeer, which is among most important exegeses.”
14. Hafiz Ahmad bin Husain bin Ali, Abu Bakr Baihaqi, who died 458 A.H. at the age of eighty-four years. Majority of writers of biography and history have mentioned his biography.
Ibne Athir has mentioned him in the book of Al-Kamil4 as follows:
“He was a follower of Shafei school and the Imam of traditions and jurisprudence. He has written numerous books of history, one of them being Sunan al-Kabeer in ten volumes. He was pure hearted and a pious man.”
15. Hafiz Abu Umar Yusuf bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abde Barr Namri Qurtubi, born 368 A.H. and died 463 A.H. He is the author of Al-Istiab. He was proficient in the science of lineage and traditional reports.5
16. Abu Hasan Ali bin Muhammad Jullabi Shafei, alias Ibne Maghazili (d. 483 A.H.).
His book of Manaqib6 shows his expertise in the science of traditions and its branches.
17. Hafiz Abu Hamid bin Abu Muhammad Tusi Ghazzali, famous as Hujjatul Islam (d. 505 A.H.).
His biography and praise is mentioned in most books of biography.7
18. Abul Qasim Jarullah Mahmud bin Umar Zamakhshari8 (d. 538 A.H.).
Ibne Khallikan has mentioned his biography in his book of Tarikh9.
“He was a senior scholar of exegesis, tradition and rhetoric; an incomparable imam of his time. People came to him from far and near to gain from his knowledge.”
19. Abul Fath Muhammad bin Abdul Qasim Abdul Karim Shahristani Shafei:
He was among the Ashaira scholastic theologian. He died in 548 A.H.
Ibne Khallikan10 has described him as follows:
“He was a prominent imam, jurist and scholastic theologian.”
In his book of Tabaqat,11 Subki has mentioned his biography. Shahristani has praised him in the book of Al-Milal wan Nihal.12 He has mentioned the tradition of Ghadeer in the book of Al-Milal wan Nihal.
20. Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Umar bin Husain Fakhruddin Raazi Shafei (d. 606 A.H.), author of Tafseer Kabeer, well known exegesis. Ibne Khallikan has described him in his book of Tarikh13 as follows:
“He was a unique personality of his time and he possessed many nice qualities. He was incomparable in scholasticism, logic and Ilme Awail14 (reports of former times) and commanded precedence over the scholars of his time.”
21. Hafiz Ahmad bin Abdullah was the Faqih of Haram, Muhibbudin Abu Abbas Tabari Makki Shafei (d. 694 A.H.).
In his Tabaqat15 , Subki has mentioned his biography and has extolled him.
He has mentioned the tradition of Ghadeer in his two books, Riyadhun Nazarah and Zakhairul Uqbah,16 through numerous chains of narrators.
22. Hafiz Ahmad bin Ali bin Muhammad Abul Fazl Asqalani Misri Shafei, alias Ibne Hajar, born 773 A.H. and died 825 A.H. He is author of Isabah and Tahzibut Tahzeeb17
23. Hafiz Jalaluddin Abdur Rahman bin Kamaluddin Misri Suyuti18 Shafei (d. 911 A.H.).
Abdul Hayy in the book of Shazaraatul Zahab19 , has mentioned his biography and praised him excessively. After the mention of his books, he has written: he saw the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) more than seventy times in wakefulness. He has also attributed that he possessed the power of folding the land. Ibne Idroos, in the book of Nurus Saafir20 , has also mentioned and extolled him and also mentioned some of his perfections and writings.
24. Hafiz Shahabuddin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Hajar Haithami Saadi Ansari Shafei, born 909 A.H. and died 974 A.H. in Mecca. In the book of Nurus Saafir,21 Ibne Idroos has mentioned his biography in detail.
25. Sayyid Muhammad bin Abdullah Husaini Alusi Shahabuddin Abu Sana Baghdadi Shafei, born 1217 A.H. in Karkh and died 1270 A.H. He was one of the most noble and elder person of Iraq. He was accomplished in arts and had expertise in numerous sciences. He was from a famous Iraqi family and was rooted in knowledge and literature. He has written numerous valuable books.22
إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَذِكْرَى لِمَنْ كَانَ لَهُ قَلْبٌ أَوْ الْقَى السَّمْعَ وَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ
“Most surely there is a reminder in this for him who has a heart or he gives ear and is a witness.”23