He said: “Indeed, Caliphate is not like the kingdom of Harqil, Caesar and
Choesroes1 that sons inherit from their fathers.”2
After he tasted the amount, he was always between two things: one was
disgrace returning to his first point of view regarding Yazid and other fear of bad
consequences of disobedience of Yazid, and especially after that he accepted that
Thus, he always made show off and apparent according of respect and after
his father, pledged allegiance to him; and when he paid allegiance he said: “If it
is good, I will be pleased and if it is calamity, I will be patient.”3 And for this
deceit, he fabricated excuses and it was that what prevented the allegiance was
the presence of his father. And Yazid can argue with him regarding this matter
and say: His father’s allegiance was not taken for him in the presentation of his
allegiance [and for his time] on the contrary this allegiance was through his times
and after his time, but since he had reached his objective, he was not cruel on
This, was the process of allegiance for Yazid in the first instance. And when
his father died, those who were greedy for material wealth, like Ibne Umar
became close to him through foolish and blind pleas and calls of degradation and
disgrace, and they repeated his greed. And due to the fact that these people had
effected allegiance to him and had helped them in sin and oppression, whereas
Almighty Allah says:
وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى وَلَا تَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ
“And help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression.”4
They destroyed the unity of Muslims, and created conflict among them and
the worthy Ummah including companions and righteous companions of
companions opposed him.
Yazid sent the army of Muslim bin Uqbah and made blood and honor of the
people of Medina lawful for him; so he continued plunder and killing for three
days. At that time, he killed 700 memorizers of Quran.
Balazari has narrated that in the incident of Harra, more than 700 prominent
persons of Quraish were killed, and these were other than Ansar. There were
among them persons who were companions of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) and some of the companions who were killed were as follows: Abdullah bin
Hanzala, one who was bathed by the angels, and eight persons from his sons;
Mauqil bin Sinan Ashjai, Abdullah bin Zaid, Fazl bin Abbas bin Rabia, Ismail
bin Khalid, Yahya bin Nafe, Abdullah bin Utbah,5 Mughira bin Abdullah, Ayaz
bin Humair, Muhammad bin Amr bin Hazm, Abdullah bin Abi Amr, Ubaidullah
and Sulaiman, two sons of Asim. And God saved Abu Saeed, Jabir and Sahal bin
It is narrated from Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) regarding those killed in the
incident of Harra that: “After my companions they are the best of my Ummah.”7
So whoever remained alive had to pledge allegiance that they are slaves of Yazid.
And those who refused, were killed.8 On that day crimes and calamities and
numerous tragedies occurred so much so that it was said that: on that day close to
ten thousand persons, other than women and children, were killed, and close to a
thousand virgins were raped; and a thousand girls became pregnant without
When the report of that degrading incident reached Yazid, he said:
“Alas, if my ancestors of the Battle of Badr has heard the impatience of
Khazraj they would have faced spears and swords.”10
So, Ibne Umar followed those debased people and survivors of the people of
Ahzab in allegiance to Yazid and regarded it as consensus. He paid no heed to the
consensus of people of say from sons of Muhajireen and Ansar and worthy
descendants of prominent persons. Thus, he shares with Yazid and his unjust
supports, the blood of the grandson of Prophet, the pure martyr, and all who were
killed in the incident of Harra, and in all sins committed by Yazid, and Almighty
Allah knows their return and their place in the hereafter.
Are you not amazed that Ibne Umar was unaware of the fact that Yazid was
infidel and apostate and his father ignorant and unjust and one, who is their
follower in sin and transgression against worthy personages whose like is not
Ibne Asakir,11 Dhahabi12 and Suyuti in Tarikhul Khulafa,13 have narrated from
Ibne Umar through a number of channels that: Abu Bakr is most truthful (Siddiq) and he is named as such by Almighty Allah, and Umar Farooq was a sharp sword
and he had received this title for Allah, the son of Affan was having two
luminosities (Zinoorain) and was killed unjustly and two shares of mercy would
be given to him, and Muawiyah and his son, are two rulers of holy lands, and
Saffah, Salaam, Mansur, Jabir, Mahdi, Ameen, and Ameerul Asab, are all sons of
Kaab bin Loih, and all are worthy persons, whose like is not found.
Due to this invalid view companion, son of companion, Muhammad bin Abi
Jaham was killed, since he testified that Yazid had wine as is mentioned in
Traditional reports of Ibne Umar
This was the understanding of Ibne Umar regarding Caliphate; thus what is
the value of the views, statements and selection regarding Caliphate and other
than that?
He has narrated traditional reports, which show his degraded mentality and
nonsensical views; and he has narrated traditional reports, which prove his
enmity to Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) and his distancing from him and coming
close to the opponents, that is Bani Umayyah; that is why his viewpoint in each
of these two groups, will not be a reasoning and evidence.