The narrator says: I came to Ayesha and when I informed her about the
statement of Ibne Umar she said:
“I scented Allah’s Apostle and he went round (had sexual intercourse with)
all his wives, and in the morning he was Muhrim (after taking a bath).1
And among these instances Bukhari and Muslim2 have narrated from
Mujahid: I and Urwah bin Zubair entered the Masjid and saw Abdullah bin Umar
sitting towards the chamber of Ayesha and people were praying the Zuhr Prayer
in the Masjid. I asked him about their Prayer and he replied: “It is a heresy.”
Urwah said: “O Abu Abdur Rahman, how many times did the Messenger of
Allah (s.a.w.a.) perform Umrah?”
He replied: “Four times, one was in Rajab.”
So we detested to refute him. We heard that Ayesha was brushing her teeth
in her chamber. So Urwah said: “O mother of believers, did you not hear what
Abu Abdur Rahman says?”
She asked: “What does he say?”
He said: “He says that: The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) performed four
Umrahs, one of them being in Rajab.”
Ayesha said: “May God have mercy on Abu Abdur Rahman, the Messenger
of Allah (s.a.w.a.) did not perform any Umrah, except that I was with him, and he
definitely did not perform Umrah in Rajab.”
The apparent meaning of the report is that Ibne Umar intentionally
fabricated an Umrah for the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) in Rajab. Although
Mujahid and Urwah detested to refute him. And his aim from this lie was that he
wanted to justify the invalid viewpoint of his father about Mutah of Hajj and to
strengthen it.
Ahmad has mentioned in his Musnad3 that: Did Umar not tell you that
Umrah is unlawful during the months of Hajj, but he said: The most perfect
Umrah is that which is separated from the months of Hajj [and is performed in
other than those months].
Ibne Umar by attributing Umrah of Rajab to the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) which he had himself fabricated, through this he wanted to make an
excuse for himself; although this justification was clearly opposed to the
statement of his father who said: I make it unlawful and I will punish if anyone does that. And we discussed this in detail.4
And the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) definitely did not perform Umrah in
Rajab as it is mentioned in the tradition of Anas that: The Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) performed four Umrahs: all of them in Zilqad.5
Ibne Majah in his Sunan,6 has narrated from Ibne Abbas that: The
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) did not perform any Umrah, except in Zilqad.
Perhaps the researcher contemplating on the report which Ibne Asakir had
narrated from the leader of Hanbalis7 from Ibne Abzi, will recognize the reality
of Ibne Umar. He says: Abdullah bin Zubair said to Uthman on the day he was
besieged: “I have prepared valuable horses for you; so if you want you can go to
Mecca and whoever wants may also accompany you?”
He replied: “No, indeed, I heard from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) that
a leader of Quraish will become a disbeliever in Mecca, whose name is Abdullah
and half the sins of the whole mankind would be upon him, and in my view that
man is either you or Abdullah bin Umar.”8
Ahmad has narrated in his Musnad,9 that Abdullah bin Umar came to
Abdullah bin Zubair and said: “O Ibne Zubair, I warn you from apostatizing in
the sanctuary of Almighty Allah; indeed, I heard Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.)
say: Indeed, a man from Quraish would apostatize in the sanctuary of God, that if
his sins are weighed against the sins of the jinn and men, his sins would be
heavier. So mind that you should not be that person.”