Narrators in the chain of reporters
1. Walid bin Fazl Maqbiri: Ibne Habban has written that: He narrates
fabricated traditions and it is not lawful to argue through his reports in any
2. Abdul Jabbar bin Hajjaj Khorasani: Ibne Hajar has mentioned him in
Lisanul Mizan2 and has quoted some of these traditions from him and stated:
This tradition is not memorized and narrated and for this text, no proven chain of
narrators is mentioned and Darqutni has regarded it weak.3
3. Mukarram bin Hakim Khathami: Dhahabi has mentioned in Mizanul
Etedal that he has narrated an invalid traditional report – and he implied this
same tradition – Azdi has written: His tradition is of no value.4
4. Saif bin Munir; Dhahani has written:5
He is unrecognized and Darqutni
has considered him weak.6
5. Ibne Asakir in his Tarikh,7 has narrated the following chainless tradition
from Ibne Abbas: “Indeed, the dearest relative for me and most respected of them, and most proximate to Almighty Allah from rank and conduct, and most
successful of folks of Paradise is Abu Bakr. And secondly it is Umar whom
Almighty Allah would give a palace of pearls, which would be a thousand
farsang by a thousand farsang and castles, houses, curtains, sides, thrones,
goblets, birds are all from this one pearl, and he would be pleased after he is
pleased. And third is Uthman bin Affan; who is in a Paradise which I am
incapable to describe and Almighty Allah has given him the reward of worship of
angels from the first to the last. And the fourth is Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.);
congratulations to a person like Ali; he is my vizier.8
And my companion due
time of severity, and my Caliph in my Ummah; and he is from me; and this is due
to my supplication. And who can be like Abu Sufyan; always religion was
assisted before he became a Muslim and after his conversion and who is like Abu
Sufyan when I come to the owner of throne and want to take the account of
creatures suddenly I saw Abu Sufyan and he was having a bowl of red ruby and
was saying: Drink my friend. Is there degradation for Abu Sufyan?9
And he is
pleased after being pleased.
Allamah Amini says: Ibne Asakir himself has exposed some of the facts,
and he has written: “This tradition is false and is against reality.”
What a false report it is which regards Abu Sufyan to be someone, through
whom the religion was always supported before his embracing Islam and after
As if he was not the leader of polytheists in Battle of Uhad, and he has not
canvassed support of the tribes during Battle of Ahzab to fight Muslims, and he
had not confronted Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) in the battle, and had not raised
his voice reciting the war poem (Rajaz): Hubal is the high and mighty, Hubal is
the high and mighty! And Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) asked: “Would you not
reply him?” They asked: “What shall we say, O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.)?”
He said: Say: Allah is the highest and magnificent! Abu Sufyan said: “We have
the Uzza and you don’t have one.”
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) asked: “Would you not reply him?” They
asked: “What shall we say, O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.)?” He said: Say: Allah
is our Lord and there is no lord for you.”10
As if Abu Sufyan was not the leader of infidels about whom the following
statement was issued by Almighty Allah:
فَقَـٰتِلُوٓا۟ أَئِمَّةَ ٱلْكُفْرِ ۙ إِنَّهُمْ لَآ أَيْمَـٰنَ لَهُمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَنتَهُونَ (١٢)
“Then fight the leaders of unbelief- surely their oaths are nothing- so that they may desist.”11