“Pledge allegiance to one of these two men,”
Or said: “Indeed, I approve for you one of these two men, so you may pay
allegiance to whichever of them you want.”
Why Abu Bakr said to that grave-digger – Abu Ubaidah Jarrah – come, so
that I may pay allegiance to you, indeed the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said:
“You are the trusted one of this Ummah?”1
And why Abu Bakr said in his speech: “By God, I am not the best person
among you, and I indeed detest this position.”
Or said: “Know that I am only a human, and I have no precedence over any
of you, so keep me under surveillance.”
Or said: “I have become your guardian, but I am not the best among you.”
Or said: “Leave me, leave me and excuse me from Caliphate, I am not the
best one among you.”2
Why on the day Abu Bakr chose Umar, all companions opposed it and
wanted Caliphate for themselves and not Umar.3
Why Talha bin Ubaidullah – one of the ten persons, who were given glad
tidings of Paradise – on the day Abu Bakr appointed Umar as Caliph after
himself, confronted Abu Bakr and said: “What will tell your Lord for having
appointed a harsh man as the guardian of society?”
Why Abu Bakr in the last moments of his life regretted his Caliphate and
said: “I would have liked that on the day of Bani Saidah, I had delegated the
Caliphate to one of the two men – that is Umar and Abu Ubaidah – and one of
them has been the chief and I had remained as the vizier.”?4
What impelled Umar to say to Ibne Abbas: “By God, O sons of Abdul
Muttalib, indeed Ali among you is worthier for this Caliphate than I and Abu
Why on the day of Shura, Abdur Rahman bin Auf began with the allegiance
of Ali (a.s.) and gave him precedence over Uthman and finally laid the condition
to His Eminence that he acts according to practice of Abu Bakr and Umar, but he
did not accept and Uthman accepted it; so he paid allegiance to him on this
Why Muawiyah said: “This matter of Caliphate and rulership was only for
the sons of Abde Manaf, because they were relatives of Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), but when Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) passed away, people chose Abu Bakr
and Umar as leaders, without the source of rulership and Caliphate being with
Why Abbas, uncle of Prophet, on the day Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.)
passed away, said to Ali (a.s.): “Stretch out your hand, so that I may pledge
allegiance to you.”?7
Where will the statement of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) from the pulpit stand:
“Beware! By Allah, the son of Abu Qahafah8 (Abu Bakr) dressed himself with it
(the Caliphate) and he certainly knew that my position in relation to it was the
same as the position of the axis in relation to the hand-mill.” Till the end of the
Shiqshiqya sermon, which contradicts this precedence [given by Ibne Umar to
those three persons over Ali (a.s.)]?
How great is the difference between selection of Ibne Umar and what is
narrated from Ibne Abi Malika?
Ayesha was asked: If the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) had appointed
someone as his successor, who would it had been? She replied: Abu Bakr. She
was asked: Then who? She replied: Umar. She was asked: Then who? She
replied: Abu Ubaidah, but the end of the Caliphate was such as this!9
What rank has Ibne Umar given to the people, who gave precedence to Bilal
Habashi over Abu Bakr? So much so that Abu Bakr said: “How do you give me
precedence over Bilal and indeed I am a good deed from his good deeds?”10
You will see that due to this invalid selection, which Ibne Umar has
fabricated, politics was changed and textual declaration (Nass) was changed into
selection and democracy – if it had been there – changed into dictatorship,
whether the Ummah approved it or it was angry?
Then the discretion was given to Shura and O God, what a Shura! And the
sword of Abdur Rahman bin Auf was the only factor that day. Till the Caliphate
was changed into a tyrannical rulership and it was the turn of the freed slaves and
their sons, those corrupted men and it reached to the sons of lust and
Till Muawiyah the liquor imbiber and usurer was able to appoint Yazid, the
profligate as his Caliphate and say: “Who is worthier for Caliphate than him and
more eligible in intelligence and worth? and I don’t think that anyone will oppose
this selection, except that he would be punished, which would destroy his traces,
and it would not be of any use.”