This fake traditional report remained in this community as a reminder and
was transferred from generation to generation and from person to person and they
based their allegations on this falsehood knowing that senior companions
declared all these traditions fake.
What supports this matter is that the only argument, which people use to
support Caliphate, is consensus and selection. And no one from them ever
depends on traditional reports; on the contrary, they have discussed in detail
regarding invalidation of texts, correction of option and its rules. Khizri has
mentioned in Mahazirat:1
The root is that selection of Caliph was through approval of people and it
derives its strength from this only and the Muslims at the time of passing away of
Prophet acted on this only and selected Abu Bakr and did not justify this
selection according to Quran or statement of Prophet and after his selection paid
allegiance to him. The meaning of allegiance is that they made a pledge to him
that they would listen to him, in which lies approval of Allah, the Mighty and
Sublime, and that they would obey his orders just as he made a pledge to them
that he would govern them according to dictates of Quran and Sunnah of Prophet.
This pledge between Caliph and Ummah is the meaning of allegiance in the same
way as buyers and sellers conduct a transaction of sale and purchase.
So, the real strength of Caliphate is achieved from this allegiance and in the
same way fulfillment of this allegiance is considered most necessary, which
religion has made obligatory and which Shariat has made imminent.
Abu Bakr left behind another method of selection of Caliph and that was
selection of his Caliph himself and [and after that] he took the oath of everyone
that they would obey this Caliph and all Muslims accepted this method and
regarded obedience to him in this regard as obligatory and this act of Abu Bakr is
the same heir apparency.
Now, it becomes clear from these statement that this traditional report, after
taking allegiance and establishment of Caliphate for someone [Abu Bakr], which
he assumes is made-up, because no one neither on the day of Saqifah and nor
after that has mentioned this traditional report. In spite of the fact that there
occurred numerous incidents, protest and disputes.
We present such traditions, which are authentic in view of people and which
are contradictory to and falsify the above mentioned reports:
1. Through authentic chains of narrators, it is narrated that when Abu Bakr
was on his death bed, he remarked: “I wish I had asked the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) who was to be his Caliph, so that no one would have disputed. I wish I
had asked the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) if there is some share for Ansar in
this issue.”2
If Abu Bakr had heard something from Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.)
regarding his Caliphate as mentioned in the previous reports, he would not have
dared to claim that illness has overpowered him or that he was talking nonsense,
as is seen in the report of paper and ink.
2. It is narrated from Ayesha that when Abu Bakr was in his deathbed, he
summoned Umar and said:
“O Umar, I appoint you the Caliph upon companions of Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.).” and he wrote to the commanders: “I have appointed Umar as your
ruler and I have not failed in endeavoring for the well being of myself and
Now, if there was a textual evidence for Caliphate of Umar, what is the
meaning of Abu Bakr in attributing the appointment of Umar to himself?
3. If the previous traditional reports are correct and Caliphate is a pledge of
Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, through what justification did Abu Bakr say: “I
have become the caretaker of this issue of Caliphate whereas I despise it. By
God, I wish some of you would suffice me in this matter.”4
How can he dislike something, which Almighty Allah sanctioned for him
and which Jibraeel brought, and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) informed about it?
Also, he can like that others would excuse him in this matter? Whereas [on the
basis of those fabricated reports] there appeared a gap between the Prophet and
the desire of His Eminence, that is making Ali (a.s.) as Caliph and Almighty
Allah did not accord any importance to intention of His Eminence and did not
accept the Caliphate of anyone, except Abu Bakr.
4. And what is the justification of Abu Bakr asking people to divest him
from Caliphate? Numerous statements regarding this are reported from him, like:
“Leave me, leave me, I am not the best among you.”5
Also: “I do not have need of your allegiance; take back the allegiance you
gave to me.”6
How can he leave it at the discretion of people to take back allegiance? And
how did he regard it as lawful to reject divine will?
5. How Umar considered the Shura committee of Muslims as the point of
reference for selecting a Caliph and said: “If someone pledges allegiance to a
leader, without concurrence of Muslims, his allegiance is invalid; in addition to
that both shall be put to death.”7
6. What prevented Ali Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) from paying allegiance to
Uthman on the day of Shura committee after Abdur Rahman bin Auf and other
members of Shura paid allegiance to him and His Eminence was standing up;
after that he sat down and Abdur Rahman said: “Give allegiance, lest I strike off
your neck.” That day, no one other than Abdur Rahman possessed a sword. Then
it was said that Ali exited from there in fury and members of Shura came to His
Eminence and said: “Pay allegiance otherwise we would battle you.” Then His
Eminence returned and paid allegiance to Uthman.8
In Tarikh Umam,9 Tabari writes:
“People began to pledge allegiance to Uthman and Ali (a.s.) refrained.
Abdur Rahman said:
فَمَن نَّكَثَ فَإِنَّمَا يَنكُثُ عَلَىٰ نَفْسِهِۦ ۖ وَمَنْ أَوْفَىٰ بِمَا عَـٰهَدَ عَلَيْهُ ٱللَّهَ فَسَيُؤْتِيهِ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًۭا (١٠)
“Therefore whoever breaks (his oath), he breaks it only to the injury of his own soul, and whoever fulfills what he has covenanted with Allah, He will grant him a mighty reward.”10
Then Ali (a.s.) returned piercing through the crowd and the crowd made way
for him; then he gave pledge of allegiance saying: “This is a deception and what a
deception it is!”
It is mentioned in Al-Imamah was Siyasah:11 Abdur Rahman said: “O Ali,
don’t leave any way open for yourself, which is only the way of force.”
It is mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari12: “Do not leave a way for yourself (do not
give us a pretext to punish you).”
Allamah Amini says: Elimination of someone, who does not pledge
allegiance was at the behest of Umar as Tabari has mentioned in his Tarikh.13
أَفَمِنْ هَـٰذَا ٱلْحَدِيثِ تَعْجَبُونَ (٥٩) وَتَضْحَكُونَ وَلَا تَبْكُونَ (٦٠)
“Do you then wonder at this announcement? And will you laugh and not weep?”14