It would be better to present here examples of false traditions, which these
liars have fabricated in excellence of some individuals:
1. It is narrated from Ibne Abbas that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said:
“There is no tree in Paradise, but that it is inscribed on its leaf: There is no
god, except Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr is truthful,
Umar is discriminator and Uthman is the owner of two lights.”
This tradition is from the fabrications of Ali bin Jamil Raqqi, which Tibrani
has mentioned and said:1
“This tradition is fabricated, Ali bin Jamil is a prolific forger of traditions.”
2. It is narrated from Anas, directly from Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) that:
“On the night of Meraj, I entered Paradise and saw an apple there, to which
a Hourie was attached and she said: I am created for Uthman, who was killed
Dhahabi has mentioned this tradition in Mizanul Etedal2 through the
authorities of Abdullah bin Muhammad Adawi,3 who was a forger of traditions
Then Dhahabi says: “This is a fabricated tradition.”
3. It is narrated from Jabir directly that Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said:
“God has made my companions excel over all people of the world, but
chosen four persons over prophets: my companions: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman
and Ali. They were made as the best of my companions and all my companions
are good.”
This report is from the fabrications of Abdullah bin Salih, scribe of Laith.
Dhahabi says in Mizanul Etedal:
“Due to this report, Abdullah bin Salih was cast into a deep trouble.”
Nasai says: “This report is a forgery.”
4. It is narrated from Abdullah bin Umar without chain of narrators from the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that he said:
“Since Abu Bakr was born on that night, Almighty Allah looked at the Adn
Paradise and said: I swear My might and honor, I will only allow those to enter
you, who are affectionate to this newborn.”
Dhahabi says:4 “This tradition is a forgery and it was fabricated by Ahmad
bin Asma Nishapuri.”
Khatib Baghdadi has mentioned it in his Tarikh5 and said: “This tradition is
invalid and among its narrators are some persons, whose history is unknown.”
5. It is narrated from Abu Huraira directly from the Prophet that he said:
“There are eighty thousand angels in the sky of the world, who seek divine
forgiveness for those, who are affectionate to Abu Bakr and Umar. In the second
sky, there are eighty thousand angels, who curse those, who are inimical to Abu
Bakr and Umar.”
This tradition is from the fabrications of Abu Saeed Hasan bin Ali Adawi
Basri. Khatib has mentioned it in his Tarikh Baghdad6 and said:
“Adawi has falsely attributed this tradition to Kamil bin Talha.”
6. It is narrated from Anas that when the Prophet emerged from Thawr
Cave, Abu Bakr held his stirrup.7 His Eminence glanced at him and said: “O Abu
Bakr, shall I don’t give you a glad tiding.” He replied: “Yes, may my parents be
sacrificed on you.” He said: “On Judgment Day, Almighty Allah would manifest
Himself to all creatures in general; and for you in a special manner.”
This tradition is a forgery of Muhammad bin Abde Abu Bakr Tamimi
Samarqandi. Khatib has said in his Tarikh:8
“As far as I know, this tradition is baseless in view of experts of traditions
and Muhammad bin Abad has forged its chain of narrators as well as its text.
7. It is narrated from Anas that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) established
brotherhood9 between Abu Bakr and Umar, and remarked: “You two are my
viziers in the world and the hereafter.”
This tradition is from fabrications of Zakariya bin Duraid10 Kindi. Ibne
Habban has mentioned it and said:11
“This tradition is a forgery and it was fabricated by Zakariya.”
8. It is directly narrated from Anas that Almighty Allah has a sword and as
long as Uthman bin Affan is alive, that sword is sheathed and when Uthman is
killed, that sword will come out of the sheath and will not be sheathed till
Judgment Day.
Ibne Adi has mentioned this tradition and said12:
“It is fabricated by Amr bin Faiz and his teacher Moosa bin Sayyar was also
a fraud.”13
9. It is directly narrated from Abu Huraira that: “Three individuals are
honest in the view of God: I, Jibraeel and Muawiyah.”
Khatib, Nasai and Ibne Habban have said14: “This tradition is fabricated and
10. It is directly narrated from Wathila that:
“Almighty Allah regarded Jibraeel, me and Muawiyah trustworthy for
revelation; and Muawiyah was on the verge of being appointed a prophet due to
the intensity of his knowledge and being entrusted with the words of the Lord.
Almighty Allah will forgive the sins of people and keep him secure from the
accounting of Judgment Day. He taught His book to him and made him the guide
and the guided and guided others through him.”
Ibne Asakir has narrated this tradition from a person (Rajul).15
Hakeem has said: “It is narrated about Ahmad bin Umar Damishqi – who
was a scholar of traditions in Shaam – that he was asked about this tradition and
he vehemently rejected it.”
Allamah Amini says: I think that dishonest traditionists wanted to scale
down the rank of prophethood, and not to exalt the status of Muawiyah, because
we know that there is a great distance between the rank of prophethood in which
Muslims believe, and between an individual, who occupied the seat of Caliphate.
We ask these people: What was the reason to attribute this exalted rank to him?
Was his origin not the accursed tree mentioned by Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and
Holy Quran?
Or the atrocities which he committed?
Or his apostatizing a few months, before the demise of Prophet?
Or fighting the Caliph of his time (Ali), although it was obligatory to have
submitted to his commands; and the influential individuals had paid allegiance to
him, and Muslims had accepted and approved his Caliphate?
Or great sins committed during his reign, like the killing of honest
individuals like Hujr bin Adi Kindi and his companions, Amr bin Hamaq Khuzai
and numerous other people; imprecating Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), Imam Hasan
and Imam Husain (a.s.). and some prominent believers in Qunut of prayers;
stoking hatred for the Ahle Bayt (a.s.) of Prophet through false propaganda;
encouraging tradition reporters to assassinate the character of Ahle Bayt (a.s.), fabrication of traditions for extolling Umayyads, declaring Ziyad to be a son of
Abu Sufyan in spite of a tradition proved authentic in view of all Muslims; that:
“The child belongs to the bed on which it is born and the adulterer shall be
lashed.” And taking allegiance for Yazid, the shedder of blood, imbiber of wine
and imposing him on Muslim lands and this continued till he died?