Come let us analyze the Islam of Abu Bakr’s parents, whether they in fact
embraced Islam? What to say that they should be the only Muslims among
emigrants (Muhajireen)? Or that an informed person has not become aware of it
[and the two of them have not embraced Islam] on the contrary this report is also
like the embracing of Islam by parents of other emigrants (Muhajireen), which
was disputed and which exaggerated their excellence?
Islam of Abu Qahafa
It is mentioned that he embraced Islam at the conquest of Mecca and Abu
Bakr brought him to Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.). During his lifetime, this was
the only instance when he came before Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.). We shall
quote some traditional reports related to his meeting the Prophet and divide these
reports into two parts:
First: reports, which do not hint at his acceptance of Islam. And secondly,
reports, which hint at his acceptance of Islam.
First kind
In Mustadrak,1 Hakim has narrated from Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad Qadi bin Qadi [father and son both were Qadi] from his father from
Muhammad bin Shuja from Husain bin Ziyad2 from Abu Hanifah from Zaid bin
Abu Khalid from Anas that:
“I glanced at the red beard of Abu Qahafa, which seemed to be grass on fire.3 So Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said: If you had left this old man in his
house, we would have gone to meet him there to accord respect to Abu Bakr.”
Hakim, due to his usual habit, although he does not regard this tradition
authentic, but he hasn’t mentioned anything about problem with its chains of
narrators and Dhahabi in his Talkhis,4 following Hakim, has done this and all this
for exalting Abu Bakr, although they have rendered truth valueless.
The following persons are present in the chain of narrators:
1. Muhammad bin Shuja Baghdadi Abu Abdullah bin Salji Faqih; Ahmad,
chief of Hanbalis, has said about him that: “He was creator of heresies in religion
and he followed his base desires.”
Azdi has said: “He was an excessive liar and due to his negative beliefs and
deviation from religion, quoting his traditions is not lawful.”
2. Hasan bin Lului Kufi: Yahya bin Moin has said that he was an excessive
liar and Abu Dawood said: “He was an excessive liar and is not trustworthy.
Ahmad bin Sulaiman has said: “Once, I saw him praying and besides him in the
row of worshippers, was a youth, who did not have facial hair. When he
prostrated he stretched his hand at the face of the youth and pinched it; that is
why I don’t narrate traditions from him.”
Nasai5 has written: “He is not trustworthy and reliable.”6
Now read and decide for yourself. Were all these statements concealed from people like Hakim and Dhahabi? No, by God.
2. Hakim in Mustadrak,7 has narrated from Abul Abbas Muhammad bin
Yaqub, from Muhammad bin Ishaq Saghani, from Husain bin Muhammad
Maruzi, from Abdullah bin Abdul Malik Fehri, from Qasim bin Muhammad bin
Abu Bakr, from his father, from Abu Bakr that: I took Abu Qahafa to the
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.). He asked: “Why didn’t you leave the old man
home, so that I would have visited him there?” I replied: “No, he is more worthy
of coming over to you.” He said: “We protect your right due to his good turns to
Hafiz Haithami has mentioned this report in Majmauz Zawaid8 and said: “Bazzaz has quoted this report and Abdullah bin Malik Fehri is present in its chains, and I do not know him.”
Dhahabi has written in Talkhis Mustadrak9 that the traditions of Abdullah are not acceptable.
Dhahabi has also mentioned in Talkhis Mustadrak after this report that:
“Neither Qasim had seen his father nor his grandfather had seen Abu Bakr [thus, traditional reports cannot be narrated from these two].”10