11. Zubair Ibne Awwam Qarshi, killed in 36 A.H.
He is one of the ten persons, who ‘were given glad tidings of Paradise’.1 Ibne Maghazili has regarded all of them as narrators of the tradition of Ghadeer.2
In Asniul Matalib, Jazari Shafei has also considered him as the reporter of the tradition of Ghadeer.3
12. Abu Ishaq, Saad Ibne Abi Waqqas (d. 54-55-56-58).4
13. Abu Abdullah, Salman Farsi, who lived for approximately 300 years (d. 36-37).5
14. Ayesha Ibne Abi Bakr (wife of the Prophet).
Ibne Uqdah has quoted Hadeese Wilayah6 from her.
15. Abbas Ibne Abdul Muttalib Ibne Hashim, uncle of the Prophet (d. 32 A.H.).7
16. Abdullah Ibne Ja’far Ibne Abi Talib Hashemi (d. 80 A.H.). Ibne Uqdah has narrated the tradition of Ghadeer from him, and he challenged Muawiyah through it.8
17. Abdullah Ibne Abbas (d. 68).9
18. Abu Abdul Rahman, Abdullah Ibne Umar Ibne Khattab Adawi (d. 72/73).10
19. Abu Abdul Rahman, Abdullah Ibne Masud Hazali (d. 32/33). He is buried at Baqi.11
20. Uthman bin Affan (d. 35).
He is a member of Ashra Mubashshira, whom Ibne Maghazili12 has narrated among the hundred reporters of Hadees Ghadeer.
21. Ameerul Momineen, Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.).13
His couplet regarding Ghadeer is well known and reliable narrators have mentioned it.
This couplet is mentioned in the section about the poets of the first century. In the same way, the incident of Imam Ali’s protest on the day of Shura and Battle of Jamal through the tradition of Ghadeer and his challenge about the tradition of Ghadeer in Rahba will also be mentioned.
22. Umar Ibne Khattab (killed 23 A.H.).14
23. Amr Aas.15
He was a poet of Ghadeer, who will be mentioned in the section on the poets of Ghadeer in the first century. A man from Hamadan, named ‘Burd’ agitated through the tradition of Ghadeer and finally Amr Aas confessed to this tradition.16
24. Siddiqa Tahira, Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet.17
25. Fatima binte Hamza Ibne Abdul Muttalib.
Ibne Uqdah,18 and also Mansur Raazi in the book of Al-Ghadeer, has narrated this tradition from her.