Ibne Abde Rabb has narrated this report in his Al-Iqdul Fareed.1
Is it compatible with the following statement of the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.) that:
“Your killer will have similitude with the Jews and he would be a Jew in
Ibne Eddi has mentioned this report in Kamil, and Ibne Asakir has also
narrated it as mentioned in Tartteeb Jamaul Jawame2.
Alas, if I can only find which independent judgment (Ijtehaad) legalizing
killing an Imam is worth obedience?!
Or which independent judgment (Ijtehaad) had fixed the killing of that
Imam as dower for a woman3 of Khawarij with whom the most wretched person
from Murad tribe had fallen in love? Or as opposed to the clearest declaration
(Nass) of Prophet, what scope is there for independent judgment (Ijtehaad)?
And if the door of such independent judgment (Ijtehaad) had been open, it
would approve the killing of all the prophets and caliphs, although Ibne Hazm
was not at all prepared that the killer of Umar and killers of Uthman should be
regarded as jurisprudents (Mujtahid) and we also will not say anything here.
Alas, if I only knew, which ones of the Ummah are having consensus in
absolving Ibne Muljim from this terrible deed?
Alas, if he would only indicate them for us. But he can never point them out
to us, because no writing is found in the Islamic Ummah in this false quotation,
except from the Khwarij, who are beyond the pale of Islam and Ibne Hazm has
followed them and has justified it through the couplet of Imran.
O Allah, You yourself know who Imran bin Hattan is and what is the value
of his exoneration of Ibne Muljim for spilling the blood of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.).
What value does his statement have that it should be used as evidence and
regarded as basis and foundation of Islam?
And a jurist like Ibne Hazm, what position does he have in religion? When
he follows the like of Imran, and uses his viewpoint in the God’s religion and on
its basis, opposes authentic traditional reports narrated from Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.)? He refutes them and makes Islamic Ummah a target of condemnation
through a fellow, who is beyond the pale of Islam, while the fact is that his
contemporary, Qaazi Abu Tayyab Tahir bin Abdullah Shafei4 has mentioned as
follows regarding Imran:
عن ابن ملجم الملعون بهتانا
الاليهدم للاسلام اركانا
دنيا والعن عمر انا و حطانا
العائن الله اسرارا و اعلانا
نص الشريعه برهانا و تبيانا
انى لا برء مما انت قائله
یا ضر به من شقی ما اراد بها
اني لا ذكره يوما فالعنه
عليه ثم عليه الدهر متصلا
فانتما من كلاب النار جاء به
1. I certainly declare immunity from your false statement regarding Ibne Muljim.
2. Woe upon that strike, which the wretched one delivered with the aim of demolishing the pillars of Islam.
3. Whenever I recall him, I invoke curse on Imran and Hattan.
4. As long as the world endures, hidden and open curse be on him.
5. And according to clear declaration of Shariah; you two are dogs of Hellfire.
In addition to them the reaction of Imam Hasan (a.s.) in killing Ibne Muljim
and support from Muslims, in addition to the companions and companions of
companions, in such a way that each of them was eager that he should himself
execute Ibne Muljim; it shows that the act of the accursed Ibne Muljim was not
an act having independent judgment (Ijtehaad), what to say that we should justify
it and regard it as good?
And suppose if it was also independent judgment (Ijtehaad), that Ijtehaad
was opposed to numerous textual declarations (Nusus).
On the basis of this, the exigency of the majority of Muslims decided that
this corruption should be rooted out and this was a duty of Muslims in general.
But the Imam of that time and the pride of youths, Imam Mujtaba (a.s.) in this
excellence, was having precedence over others in every excellence (and he
uprooted mischief).
Indeed, how much is the distance between Ibne Hazm and Ibne Hajar!
Ibne Hazm has justified the act of Ibne Muljim and showed it to be correct
and Ibne Hajar has, in his book of Lesaanul Meezaan,5
excused himself from not
stating his name and has declared him to be a killer and shedder of blood; and in
Tahzeebut Tahzeeb,6 he says:
“He was among the survivors of Khawarij.”