Statement of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) after the mention of the
Mastership (Wilayat) of Imam Ali (a.s.):
“Present felicitations to me. Present felicitations to me, because Almighty
Allah has chosen me for prophethood and chosen my Ahle Bayt (a.s.) for Imamate”.1
This statement clarifies that Imamate is restricted to Ahle Bayt (a.s.) and at
the head of it is Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), who was implied at that time.
Also, felicitation ceremonies and congratulations, which continued for three
days, as mentioned previously, are not applicable to anything, except Mastership
(Wilayat) and Caliphate, and it is due to this when Abu Bakr and Umar met
Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), they congratulated him and this explains the meaning
of Maula in the statement of the Prophet; thus one, who is imbued with the
quality of Maula is with relation to people most deserving of them.
Seventh context
Statement of the Prophet after the mention of Mastership (Wilayat):
فليبلغ الشاهد الغايب
“Those present here should convey this to those, who are absent.”
This report was mentioned previously.
Can you believe that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) urged people present
there to convey it those, who were absent, a message, which was clear to all of
them through Quran and Sunnah; that is love and amity among themselves?
And that he would make such elaborate arrangements to deliver this
message? I don’t think that your opinion would be as such; because you will
doubtlessly say:
Definitely, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) had an important issue in mind,
to announce which he did not have an opportunity till that moment, and people present in that gathering were not aware of it, and this important issue was not,
except Imamate, through which religion was perfected, bounty was complete and
pleasure of Almighty Lord achieved
Those present in that gathering did not conclude anything else from the
statement of the Prophet. And no other discourse is narrated from the Prophet in
that gathering, so that we can say that His Eminence commanded its propagation.
And this important matter cannot be implied unless we understand the term of
Maula to mean Awla.
Eighth context
Statement of the Prophet after the mention of Mastership (Wilayat) on the basis of the report of Abu Saeed Khudri and Jabir2 that:
الله اكبر على اكمال الدين و اتمام النعمه ورضى الرب برسالتي و الولايه لعلى من بعدی
“Allah is the greatest for the perfection of religion, completion of bounty and pleasure of the Lord on my messengership and Mastership (Wilayat) of Ali after me.”
And in the words of Wahab3 it is mentioned:
انه وليكم بعدی
“Indeed, he is your Master (Wali) after me.”
And in the words of Ali (a.s.) quoting from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) that was mentioned previously:
“After me, he is the Master (Wali) of all believers.”
Also Tirmizi, Ahmad, Hakeem, Nasai, Ibne Abi Shaibah, Tabari and many
other Huffaz with correct chains of narrators have narrated this statement from
the Prophet, that he said4:
“Indeed, Ali is from me and I am from him. He is the Master (Wali) of every believer after me.”
It has come in another narration: “He is your Master (Wali) after me.”
Abu Nuaim says in Hilyatul Awliya5 and others6 through authentic chains of narrators that the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said:
“One, who likes to live like me, to die like me and to stay in the Adn
Paradise, which Almighty Allah has planted with His own hands, he should love
Ali after me and follow the Imams after him, because they are my progeny and
created from my essence.”
Indeed, these interpretations inform us that Mastership (Wilayat) proved for
Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) is related to prophethood of Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.a.), and is same after observing the difference of the ranks of the two of
them in precedence and position, as the term of ‘after me’ implies delay of time
as well as lowness of rank.
So, it is not possible that in this case the implication of Maula can be
understood in any other sense than superiority in all aspect of the people; because
in case of its implication being help and affection, it would distort the meaning of
the tradition and instead of it being an honor for Ali (a.s.), it would be a defect
[because the meaning of tradition becomes that you love and help him after me,
and not while I am alive].